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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Thanks, will make sure that next time the mic is outside the window and the music is turned off.
  2. ***UPDATE*** added Great Orme Part 3 You wana see close? How about the bit when we were in that narrow road with cars parked one side and traffic coming down the other way? (Got that on video too) *edit* found it, edited and uploaded it *another edit...* added Day 1 Evo Triangle bit
  3. So the Mines lip is all over the Triangle then?
  4. ***UPDATE*** added Great Orme Part 2 Right, next time I'm wearing contacts, had a few pairs with me actualy, lol
  5. Hiya, remember being introduced and then reminded again at Bala Lake.... Sorry, but I'm terrible with names, especially when you try to learn everybodys at the same time (Faces + Names + Cars = Brain Overload!!!)
  6. Yeah....but it was the right song tho..."Take That - Greatest Day"
  7. I'll keep my vids all in one place and will update this post once new ones are uploaded. Day 1 - Leaving Holiday Inn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML3IBHXJ64k Day 1 - Great Orme Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaDdElrMOgk Day 1 - Great Orme Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V91gG-Fb6uk Day 1 - Great Orme Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvWfhflzlv4 Day 1 - Partial Evo Triangle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qHPrJ4u4Cs Day 2 - Layby Day 2 - Tight spot I did wonder if Mark (M350ZB) had encountered this bit and how long it had taken him to get past...
  8. people usually cannot hear me in the car because of the K1.....
  9. Was that you in a black Nismo kitted one? I did look over, but was in a tailback and was worried about the car infront, sorry I'll make up with a wave now :bye: actually...I was going southbound...but I do have an 04 plate....
  10. Yeah, I was posting and quoting without thinking again....sorry about that
  11. as long as I crack you up and they don't crack my paint, I'm more than happy to carry on taking pics.
  12. ROFL....I think I missed a trick there, lol
  13. On my way home from Wales, I stopped of at a Welcome Break on the M6. Parked up in a triple space and saw there was plenty space available around so felt safe. Got to the front door only to notice I had left my wallet in the cubby. Go back to the car only to find this Either the driver was thinner than a thin thing or used the passenger door to exit or used an ejector seat after realising his stupidity. No dents luckily.
  14. errr....yeah.....I'll....uhmmmm....stick a donation via paypal...... Someone gimme some payment details please. Quick pic of total mileage done for Wales Run 2009
  15. I am so pleased to get one that I will donate some money to the forum.
  16. I liked the introduction tho. "Slap?" "Oh, hiya Nixy" Happy to report that I made the hug list only btw.
  17. Was someone handing out Evo Triangle stickers?
  18. Here's some of mine and a little vid...
  19. Very nice Heath and a bargain to boot (you know what I mean). Mind you, Ken will be disappointed...I think he had his eye on those too...
  20. Home at last! Pics and (hopefully) vids to be uploaded soon.
  21. Apologies nixy, I noticed you following me for quite a bit after the triangle. I had lost sight of the group and used my sat nav to go directly back to the Dene rather than Chester Services (yes...Bullet got detached and lost AGAIN...) So sorry for that nixy. btw, I'm still on my way home. Currently sat at some services on the M6, a few miles from the A14. For some reason after leaving Chester, my sat nav decided I should go to Stoke On Trent and then back down the M6... Being on unfamiliar ground I just followed...
  22. wasn't me, I'm still at the Dene, heading home tomorrow. This was my first meet and I really enjoyed myself. Sorry to hear about Sunset, but the main thing is nobody got hurt. Was great arriving at Bala Lake to clear skies and sunshine. Carvery was yummy for sure. Will upload pics and vids once I get back. I got a little game we can play too...
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