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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Mr Wallis is speaking poo....mine work perfectly. R Well yeah, I know that, because of your thread. I have to ask questions so that I can assess if they have kept up with current technology, especially since they are an authorized Pioneer dealer. They had two answers to choose from....they chose the wrong one. srobrien, can you clarify to me that the only difference between the 700BT and the 900BT is that the 900BT plays DVD's and the 700BT doesn't, other than that they seem identical....right?
  2. keep forgetting it's not a headunit...
  3. When I spoke to Dave Wallis about fitting a AVIC-F900BT and whether the steering wheel controls would be retained, they said that they most likely are gonna be non functional. Let's see how you get on with them.
  4. Welcome and good luck with leaving it unmodded, especially after you've been to a meet.
  5. there is a fair few my way too...
  6. BulletMagnet


    and i was upset only being second! I say skip 13 and go straight to 14 like they do with some house numbers. Well if you are going down the superstitous route, then skip 14 too, bad number in chinese superstition...as is 4.
  7. I think that's how many started out, me included. Once you have done that phase, I will appear next to you and congratulate you to reaching the top of the slippery slope that lies ahead..........and give you a nudge
  8. And how often do you drive it sensibly sir? I love the overall look of the car, the view from the drivers seat, the positive comments from strangers. It's been one of the most positive driving experiences I've had, and that means the car and the people I have met since here having the Zed.
  9. I'm glad I got a few V-Power stations in my town.
  10. No trip too far tbh.......especially when your a CF junkie like me...
  11. Well, it has been a bank holiday weekend, I'm sure he's ok
  12. There is no bible apart from the one you write yourself. Personally, I'd say make sure you make the car stop faster before you make it faster. I have obviously written my own bible, then read it, made a little fire in the garden and then burnt it, because now I know the truth... ...and the truth is that Carbon Fibre comes before EVERYTHING!!!!
  13. I'll have to give one little spoiler tho.... You'll see Gretchen.......in a towel........nuff said!
  14. Was it either Silver or GM or Primer or all of them combined? btw Mark, update your sig already....it's been saying "3 Days till more power" for more than 3 days....
  15. And it's not a form of Indian flat bread R yeah....more to be described as "an undesired feeling of non wellbeing thought to be located in ones rectum"
  16. The writers did say from the outset that it was always going to be four series, no matter what other propaganda might have said.
  17. ...I've only just realized what PITA means...
  18. I'd be the driver seat..........of a car owned by a female........oh yeah....sit on me baby.... Yes, I am single at the moment....does it show?
  19. OMFG!!!!!! Just watched "Prison Break - The Final Break" It's not getting shown in the US, but will be on their DVD boxset as a special episode. I think Sky will air this episode over here (unless it already has, I ain't got Sky...) Great episode as it explains what happened in that four year gap in the last episode of the series. Not gonna give away any spoilers, but if you thought the series finale was "WOW!", then think again... Sadly this does bring absolute final closure to the series.
  20. LOL, only just seen this thread. Currently at work on my iPhone, cheered me right up on a rainy overtime nightshift.
  21. This is a great guide, now all i need is time and balls to do it...
  22. Be very careful mate.....that's how Christine started....
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