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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Do you reckon a Honda H22A 2.2L VTEC would fit in that?
  2. It's a clever vodafone add promoting the Blackberry Storm
  3. Does that mean you have a big arse? (C'mon, you're all thinking it, I'm just saying it...) and a stubby.......... He'll prolly say he kept the "flagpole".... Let's just say I have bulges in all the right places, just like the Zed. So there you have it, from the man himself.....he has a big arse...
  4. Of course when nailing it, make sure the engine is sufficiently warmed up before going past 3K rpm. Good indicator is either the temp gauge (at just under halfway) or the oil pressure gauge (at just about one quarter at idle).
  5. Does that mean you have a big arse? (C'mon, you're all thinking it, I'm just saying it...) and a stubby.......... He'll prolly say he kept the "flagpole"....
  6. either you've got a memory like an elephant or you just spend far too long on this forum! Well, and add the fact that in his pics he has no front numberplate (I think it's a secondary citation in the US, i.e. they gotta pull you for something major first and can then add the numberplate issue if they are feeling extra grumpy or missing their donuts) and the fact that the steering wheel is on the other side and the fact that he is filling up with his mates at a Chevron petrol station, which I believe are not too common over here.... ...and I spend too much time on these forums
  7. Does that mean you have a big arse? (C'mon, you're all thinking it, I'm just saying it...)
  8. Right, that's it! I'm starting my own slap list too now, only difference is, it's only gonna have your name on it and I only add the number of slaps as we go along
  9. I think the Carbon Slut may have found his pimp...
  10. Sadly ever since I bought the Zed....it's sort of taken over all of my priorities...
  11. Welcome to the forums When is your website going to be fully functional....you may have me coming back for a CF fix...
  12. Think back to the days of yonder when sub zero introduced himself and mentioned that he is from the US and is moving over here and bringing his Zed in the process. Pay attention peeps
  13. Well? The day has arrived......still feel as stupid as last year tho...
  14. *UPDATE* Cat is still crapping in my garden, so the cat lovers on here needn't worry...
  15. I wonder if Sarah's oven will be abused at the next Mod Day.....
  16. Nice guide, very helpful for those who are doing this themselves
  17. Nice guide, very helpful for those who are doing this themselves
  18. I'll be missing JTS...dayshift, 7am - 7pm...grrr
  19. My Dell XPS survived Wales too....had it for about 3 years now too...
  20. Thanks everybody! Too late.....if all goes well, I'll treat myself to some more CF next month...
  21. If you ask the seller to state on the packge slip that the contents are valued at no higher than $50, then you shouldn't need to pay import duty. My brother has bought many items off ebay from the states and has done this several times, has yet to pay import duty. Hope this helps
  22. unless it's upside down...you've done the wrong one....
  23. Remember...cash in the face can do wonders.
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