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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. If you put it that way, we are all "biggots" in one way or the other. All shapes and sizes my friend...
  2. That's translated wrong btw Should read "Aussehen, Stil und Leistung...oder ein Familien Auto?" My contributions: "Did I overtake you.....AGAIN?" "Real women go for Zed drivers" "Schlitzaugen sind schneller!" (Slanteyes are faster; "Schlitzaugen" is german slang for "chinky", so be careful around chinese people that are from germany...) "350Z...voiture à la vitesse incroyable" (350Z... car of incredible speed)
  3. I said that too, and ever since my local garage has been taking the proverbial out of me ever since. Everytime I go there and have something new I get "Ohhhh, I'm not going to mod this car...." followed by handbag gestures and stuff.
  4. I'll actually do that. See what he comes back with. *edit* Just sent this question to the seller
  5. IMO it's discipline that is lacking. A clip around the ears or the occasional parental smackdown can't hurt (within reason ofc, i.e. punish only when there is a legitimate cause to) Being chinese, and I'm sure fellow asians can sympathise, I grew up in fear of the old "bamboo duster". But in retrospect, it didn't do me any wrong. I learnt what was right and what was wrong. And I'd like to say that I have grown up to be a responsible human being. In regards to work, well...I find that pride is missing in the work place. Sure, I'm only a docker, but I'd like to say that I do my best everyday. Have a little pride. I'm sick of people saying at work "Damn recession, I'd be better off stacking shelves at Tesco because of the company taking away our bonuses" I'm usually cool about it, but sometimes I'd want to break out a theraurus and show them the definition of the word "bonus". Some guys don't realize that they need to tighten the belt a little in these times, live a little leaner for the time being. It's not the companys fault that regardless of current financial climates around the globe, they still choose to live a lifestyle they are accustomed to. Make some sacrifices already. I always say to the guys you can actually talk to "Well, tbh, go outside these dock gates and find me a job that pays what we get paid for the amount of work we actually do...You will not find it" and in most cases they agree with me. Sometimes, dockers just wind me up, just shut up and do your job. It's not like there is never gonna be ships in the sea, it's not like the UK will never stop importing stuff. Sorry for going on abit..
  6. You might want to remove pic No.2 Alex, as they don't seem to be the ones (different tyres and such) Look like LMGT4's to me, just guessing tho
  7. I have no sat nav and yes, I just have a cubby hole there (with a lid ofc)
  8. Welcome and get yourself to the next Envy Mod Day if you fancy looking at many Zeds in different state of mod.
  9. Scroungers should be sent to a Jupiter expedition, with just enough oxigen to get there...
  10. They do look nice, I like the center caps too, nice touch
  11. Fully agree with Ming There should be a clause included for when you sign on that automatically voluteers you for: - medical trials - minesweeping with a hammer - scrubbing of greater city sewage systems - moving targets for army exercises - sentry duty within the channel tunnel to keep illegal immigrants out - taser gun efficiency subjects - public park dog poo removers (no gloves provided) you are more than welcome to add your own suggestions
  12. It does say Vista laptop in the first post. I'm sure a solution will be found amongst you IT people
  13. Used any coppergrease on the pads? (might be a factor, I dunno)
  14. Looking nice there, but I do have to mention that there is a fault with your exhaust tho. The bungs are still in...
  15. Welcome to the forums. You do know that the Nismo exhaust is priced about £1200 or there abouts, right? If you are looking to spend that kind of money, then there is certainly more choice out there.
  16. Some pics I took of madmarkys car before it went to hospital...
  17. I wonder if the next Envy Mod Day will involve an oven........
  18. If you got any friends that work in the automotive insurance sector, in particular the fraudulent claims section, then they could do it for free.
  19. Found this and yes, it's a splice harness job, unless you get a piggyback harness thing like the guy did in this thread. http://www.gtr.co.uk/forum/83619-how-in ... encer.html
  20. If you do a search on here, you will find loads of info, but to make it short you can either: - get an iPod FM transmitter - modify the Bose tapedeck to an AUX input - buy an aftermarket HU with iPod connection
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