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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Thanks for the spoiler Chris....
  2. Before every drive, cover the front in clingfilm, then when you get home, just peel it off.
  3. Just another timewasting quiz with no prizes. What the hell is this? I'd like to ask martinmac and Zazur to hold on with their answer, cos they most likely know (which is a big hint in itself, lol) I can tell you, it's not a giant food processor...
  4. Gonna grab it off t'internet later, got all the races so far and it's the best motorsport in telly atm. No race decisions after the first corner malarkey.
  5. I belive the production of the InvoAuto was halted, but need confirmation on that. The JapSpeed one is available thru CS, I think it was £360-ish delivered, send him a PM for details.
  6. Well I can only assume you are not pushing it hard enough Try pressing the pedal on the right. Well, it's either that (yeah right...) or you guys are getting deaf in your old age(s). One day the only "Z" you'll be driving is a Zimmerframe
  7. They are a set of "Saarf Essex Bling Bling" Wheels, in 20" with a offset of "supreme phatiliciousness"
  8. Looking at the dish, it's prolly the rear one too
  9. I disagree boldly, my fav wheels are the Volk SF Challenge.......one day....one day....*sigh* I think I saw someone else eyeing them up recently mark.... Confuchous say "He who hesitates looses out on lovely looking rims at bargain price!!" SORE FINGER! Ahhhhh....not long now....not long at all...
  10. I hear the tick tock of the indicators just fine and I got a K1!!! My biggest gripe is that CF bits ain't cheap and I am always on the lookout for new bits for the car...
  11. I think in cases like the stabbing of Ben Kinsella, where the evidence is irrefutable, the death sentence should be carried out. It's the ultimate deterrent. Don't do sh*t unless you are really prepared to take the consequences. Most of these so called "gangsters" do sh*t because they know they can get away with it, and prison time serves as bragging rights.
  12. They should all be sent to a prison facility located in the Antarctic, with only underwear and nothing else, nature will then take it's course. Why give them a comfortable death.
  13. Yea bruv, dat wud be propa wickid sick, playa!!! BLAT! BLAT! BLAT! BLAT! BLAT!
  14. I'm disappointed...you should have gone for 22"s... Other than that they look ok.
  15. I reckon it's essexboy short for "tomorrow"
  16. Get one of these and hit the button after you get stopped whilst the attention is diverted. Then you can play all innocent and say "Officer, are you feeling alright?"
  17. But I still like my K1 more, lol
  18. Only difference between Rays and xStric9x one in that Rays is a Japspeed K2 and xStric9x's is a Invoauto K2. Exhaust tips are different
  19. It doesn't matter how old you are, the law will be enforced! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdDdwxJyZZI
  20. or it's one of them electric ones...
  21. Looks nice, brand, supplier and cost please.
  22. Thanks for that, what kinda price we talking about anyways?
  23. The models face has been censored to protect the models identity (and stalker calls)
  24. I haven't got THAT photo, only you and Ray have it. (For those who are wondering, we got a "sexy" model to pose with the exhaust. PM me the photo and I'll blur the face out....)
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