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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. All aside tho, I hope you have great success with these Rich. For the effort alone that went into this. Who knows, I might like the look of them when they are on a car, but I'll just call them "Special Edition Likwid Z Badges"
  2. Took these pics after a night shift at the docks, figured nobody would be up that early to start ship spotting. Within 5 mins two cars showed up and the drivers parked up and got their binoculars out...
  3. Touche Depends on your definition of "brand whore"... Nissan isn't too bad, they made a whole line of Z cars and Skylines, not to mention the popular Silvia and the slightly interesting Pulsar GTi-R. They have a good record in domestic race series too. So all in all, the Nissan brand is ok I think.
  4. Nismo eyebrow rings? lol Heath, go for what Dan did, he sent his lights to Paul @ Dream Customz, and had the orange stripe taken out and the clear one put in. Saw them at the last Envy Mod Day and they look really really good, very clean look.
  5. Just replace the orange strip with a clear one, will involve opening the lights I think...could be wrong
  6. Right, here goes... For me, the Tommy K badge is something special. People who own them are probably cringing knowing that these will be out there. My reasoning is this. How many times do you see for example Tommy Hilfiger jumpers sold at market stores? And when you see them worn by someone, you can deffo tell that they are not the genuine article. It's like, why didn't you buy a gearknob off kta, but decided to get a genuine Nismo Titanium one instead? (I admit it was part of a prize, but the decision was still made to go genuine) Now I'm only speaking for myself, but if I were to wear a knockoff Tommy Hilfiger jumper, I'd feel cheap. Call me a brand whore if you like. As I said before, everybody has different tastes.
  7. It's a good thing that everybody has different tastes. Personally, I think the originals look better, but that's just my opinion.
  8. I wouldn't even bother writing another e-mail to him. He is obviously far too set in his ways and confident of his reputation. Just walk away knowing you are the better person. These kind of people are best left alone with their egos, until they find themselves alone. As a teacher you should know that you shouldn't get dragged down to his level......he'll only beat you with experience...
  9. Maybe they were cowboy builders in a previous life. Like I have said before, I was going to use them for possibly fitting a HU inot my Zed, because I used to go to them before and they were good. But as soon as I asked about steering wheel controls, they said I would loose them, and this is after srobrien done his install and didn't loose the controls, I decided I'm better off trying it myself.
  10. I know where to get some more now then There is a custom alarmsystem with my valve caps..........me with baseball bat in hand...waiting
  11. I went to a NDIC- National Driver Improvement Course, which cost me £190 and the date was imposed on me, so I had to take time off work. It was the aftermath of a car accident, even when all the insurance companys agreed it wasn't my fault. I was accused of possibly driving without due care or attention. It was either go on the course and avoid points and fine or not go on the course, go to court and see how it would go and then possibly pay a fine, court costs and get points on the license. Anyways, I went on the course and it was actually quite good. It was part classroom and part on the road. On the road bit was fun actually, the instructor gave us challenges, like driving through a village with no stopping and only one gear change allowed. Failure to comply would be punished by taking one item off my breakfast plate (yes the instructor bought me brekkie, lol) The course basically taught me more road awareness (had to drive whilst giving spoken commentary on everything I was doing and what I saw), taught me more about road positioning (position yourself in a manner that allows you the best view especially around corners), taught me how to manipulate traffic by way of positioning of the vehicle on the road. All in all I thought I took away some useful stuff.
  12. That's why my Volk/Rays valve caps don't go on the car, got some cheap alloy ones from my local tyre fitters for free. Volk/Rays valve caps will only go on for shows and meets
  13. I don't want to sound like a total dick, but I took a look at the pics you took pre-install viewtopic.php?f=27&t=22643 Personally, I was expecting most of the framework to be shaven or trimmed in some way. But, you have to think about why the cubby ends where it ends and why there is an overlap between the F500BT and the cubby frame. Parts are made to fit a certain space, hence why some modders are asking what size screen would best fit the cubby space. Also it was a cubby supplied by yourself and with that you asked them to fit the F500BT with your supplied cubby, and in doing so basically allowed them to try and fit by any means neccesary. They tried, failed and then fitted the F500BT the best way they saw fit without using your supplied cubby. Yes, you should have checked the cubbys condition before you left the premises, but I am guessing you didn't. Whatever happens with the cubby afterwards, whether you chuck it in the bin or try to sell it to recoup funds does not fall into the fitters responsibility once you left the shop. I'm not trying to take the mick, just saying what I think about what I see. I don't know hoe butchered the retractable cubby is, but if it was me, I'd have alook and see how the F500BT is currently fitted, then possibly cut the retainig section off and match the cut on the retractable cubbly, then plastic weld the two pars together and file smooth the joins. Like I said, I'm not trying to take the mick, merely trying to help make the best out of a bad situation.
  14. Oh, now there's an idea! So I'll need an inflatable pool, mud, attention seeking girl models, lots of photographers and SuperSoakers for bystanders. I will volunteer myself for the dangerous task of climbing into the mud filled pool with the girls...
  15. I thought we probably would, GTROC better get polishing then guys, make sure we outshine them I can bring a bucket of mud to reduce the shine on their cars...
  16. Well, if you consider that Nissan Dealers want £198 for a genuine 350Z gearknob.....
  17. I've heard these guys do good work Marine & Auto Electrics Elton Park Business Centre Hadleigh Rd Ipswich Suffolk IP2 0DD Tel: 01473 289107
  18. ROFL!!! Didn't think I was gonna get the whole thing. Just for those who are wondering MJP sell these genuine nets brand new for £40, so coop is selling cheap
  19. You might get lucky and they'll send you some 20" GT-R wheels instead
  20. I'm more interested in the "Chilli Sauce" recipe in the second pic 60g of Caster Sugar 3 peeled Garlic Cloves ...what else?!?!?!?!?
  21. Took a little video at the last Envy Mod Day (hope the Chillis don't mind me posting) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rVLjayMK30
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