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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. + whatever the count now is I got a Nismo and love it. Get it done jerry. Never heard of it being on that tight!!! Hope they didn't twist the shaft on their initial attempts.
  2. + whatever the count now is I got a Nismo and love it. Get it done jerry. Never heard of it being on that tight!!! Hope they didn't twist the shaft on their initial attempts.
  3. This 350Z drifter was awesome!!! Battle of the 20"s....I'd call it a draw between maz and cavey, they both look great
  4. This 350Z drifter was awesome!!! Battle of the 20"s....I'd call it a draw between maz and cavey, they both look great
  5. tbh, this seems more value for money at £30....120mph windspeed!!!! http://nextday.diy.com/app/jsp/product/ ... ctId=50975 or http://nextday.diy.com/app/jsp/product/ ... ctId=76265
  6. tbh, this seems more value for money at £30....120mph windspeed!!!! http://nextday.diy.com/app/jsp/product/ ... ctId=50975 or http://nextday.diy.com/app/jsp/product/ ... ctId=76265
  7. (southern US accent) Yeehaaw, this is haw whee rawl in da south y'all. I do hav ta be rotatin my tyres every otha week tho.....shucks
  8. (southern US accent) Yeehaaw, this is haw whee rawl in da south y'all. I do hav ta be rotatin my tyres every otha week tho.....shucks
  9. Really really nice maz, looking forward to see them tomorrow
  10. Really really nice maz, looking forward to see them tomorrow
  11. I hear them horns all the time...well, I would because they a shiphorns, lol
  12. I hear them horns all the time...well, I would because they a shiphorns, lol
  13. Hey, you and me should be used to that kind of parking, chinese always "Park & Abandon"....
  14. Hey, you and me should be used to that kind of parking, chinese always "Park & Abandon"....
  15. Thanks for the kind comments everybody. Stew, I don't think I'll lower her, she sits just right, especially with the speedbumps in places, I'd get paranoid. Plus the fact that I think if lowered, I'd have trouble getting onto my own drive....lol Yeah, contemplating sides and rear somethings, but will have to wait till I see something that tickles my fancy.
  16. Thanks for the kind comments everybody. Stew, I don't think I'll lower her, she sits just right, especially with the speedbumps in places, I'd get paranoid. Plus the fact that I think if lowered, I'd have trouble getting onto my own drive....lol Yeah, contemplating sides and rear somethings, but will have to wait till I see something that tickles my fancy.
  17. There are some pics here of where I connected my grounding kit, last connection is made under the coolant res bottle. viewtopic.php?f=22&t=20674&hilit=grounding+kit&start=30
  18. I can think of only two spots where there are speedbumps, but they are the black square tall type, two in one spot and three in a line in another spot. They are also on the access road to the viewing point, up to there, it's virtually safe for lowered cars. Google "Landguard Fort Felixstowe" to see where it is, if you look in satellite mode, then you will also see the speed bumps along the way on "View Point Road" Most times there are lots of ship spotters parked up, hence why I chose this early time to do the photos
  19. Can Chilli Red or CS help me out where to get this kit?
  20. Sorry if this is a repost, but I saw these and thought they were well cool.
  21. I think the giveaway was the shape of the spoiler and the stubby on the roof. (Well, it was for me anyways...)
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