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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. What the hell is a sheep farmer? Do they grow them on trees or something? Or did you mean Shepherd?
  2. Yeah, I love my foam lance too, one of my best car detailing purchases to date
  3. ...here it is on YouBook....or FaceTube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RQ4wX8CGbM
  4. You either eat alot of stew or you are an avid fan of Family Guy?
  5. Spotted these in the pits at Modified Live @ Brands Hatch. 119 octane!!!!!
  6. Mine comes from the days of me playing CounterStrike, first started playing as DildoX, then joined a clan, and at one point someone said "Your a right bulletmagnet..." Thought that during clan games it would look funny combined with the clan tag, [suicide]BulletMagnet. Have used it ever since on all forums I visit.
  7. In a related topic, I think Chris Rock got it right when he said: "Desperate Housewives"....they should rename that show to "Ungrateful B!tches"
  8. You know at the beginning when she was driving the Lotus Esprit, could be wrong tho...
  9. If you were to drive in Louboutins, wouldn't you scratch the trademark red soles? I think the fans of barefoot driving have all watched Pretty Woman
  10. K Series is currently made by JapSpeed See here for current line-up and comparison (mind tho that YouTube sound is deceptive, most exhausts sound different in real life) viewtopic.php?f=62&t=23989
  11. Although he may not be, he may still lurk around as a "guest". I'm trying to appeal to his better judgement and hope that one day he may see the error of his ways. It might also dawn on him that this isn't the only forum some members freqent, and that his actions might carry reactions on other forums. But that's pure speculation. I'm off to bed, night shift was kept interesting tho with this thread.
  12. Right, so here's in hope that he really is that mentally challenged that he will register yet another account. Well, it's good that you find a thread that you initiated funny, at least it means you can see yourself in a humourous way. It's not really nice to assume and then generalize. It also is some kind of contradiction, I'll explain. If one were really retarded, then it would be safe to say one wouldn't really accomplish much in say for example school, which leads to some sort of education, which again may lead on to a successful career. You must give a Lambo owner some sort of kudos for accomplishing something in their life and thus being able to treat themselves with a nice car, be it a Lambo or other. And what is the "typical" behaviour of a Lambo driver? Have you met many of them to confirm your theory? So you are saying that Jeremy Clarkson likes little boys? Now that would be a bombshell to end a thread with. May I also add that the punctuation at the end of this sentence is incorrect... Nobody actually said someone was gonna die, but merely that it "may" be dangerous to run those wheels with such stretched tyres. There a a fair few that run wider than standard wheels and tyres on these forums who have experienced the odd back end kicking out with the ESP suddenly cutting in. Not a plesant experience I may add. It's this experience from fellow members on here that we draw on that makes us all in a way agree that running wheels and tyres that wide "may" be dangerous, especially in the wet. And again the assumption of what Lambo drivers like is questionable. It all depends on what you call sh!t offsets. The wheels that were offered were of such offset, that flush fitting wouldn't have been possible unless some sort of widearch kit was fitted. The comparison to the 19" Volks was only made as an example that for the same kind of money brand new wheels were to be had. Never was it mentioned that 19" were better than 18". The point that was trying to be made was "Value For Money" I wonder how any alloy wheel retailer would respond to this. The whole point of several people asking whether they fit on the 350Z or what car they originally came from was, in my opinion, a valid one. Nobody wants to buy wheels that don't fit. Most wheel retailers you call up and ask for a certain wheel, they usually reply with "What car is it for mate?" at which point you tell them. They don't just sell you a set of alloy wheels with random stud patterns and offsets and then expect you to "make them fit." To be honest....that's exactly what we do. There have been a few carshows that many of us have been to and really enjoyed ourselves. Could you please elaborate on the term "weak sauce wheels". What's weak sauce? Is that like light soy sauce? Do we need to up the game with Lea & Perrins? Tabasco maybe? Again with the Lambo assumption...I hate to tell you this, but if you had paid proper attention, you would have noticed that Sarnie actually sold his Lambo and bought a different car. Another assumption I'm afraid, but may I point out that it is you that has registered a total of three accounts (perhaps more to come) within a short time merely to be argumentative. So if anybody is a "Fu**ing keyboard warrior", then it's you I'm afraid. Well, for now that's all I can find fault with in this post, but people feel free to contribute.
  13. Aw maaaaan....... unban please? ah fork it, I'm gonna disect it anyways, home in 3 hours.....yay.......*sigh*
  14. I find it amusing that he refers to himself in the third person, rofl. Please don't ban him. Once I get home from my night shift, I'll have to re-read his latest post and pick out the flaws
  15. I just find it rather peculiar that you have registered and then decided that rather than introducing yourself, you choose to post in an already ongoing discussion. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just highly coincidental with the banning of the OP, freshly registered member (read "new member") and an immediate mention of wheels in a post that had no contextual relevance unless you were aware of the original context. IMO if I was to comment "Wheels look awesome", I'd point out which car, because there are two pics, a beetle and a golf. Of course I could be totally wrong and if I am then I apologize for my previous comments about you.
  16. Next thing you know, you'll be asking me whether I'm aware that they use tyres in Japan or not...
  17. What wheels exactly? The For sale post was removed and the pictures are not in this thread...... Well, you can't blame the kid for trying... Getting banned and being childish would prompt one to register a new account and then try to big up the wheels. Shame he forgot that it shows the date of registration...
  18. AFAIK Oakley do make prescription lenses for their wraparounds, but they aren't cheap. £70 per lens, so I decided on contact lenses instead.
  19. Well, at least we're not discussing what man-bags to buy... Maybe you should! Pink ones with sparkly bits! How you lot dare tease louis and zedrush I don't know! Well....there is a pic of me somewhere with a pink cowboy hat, pink glitter scarf and pink sparkly handbag... Dunno if I should post it really...
  20. Well, at least we're not discussing what man-bags to buy...
  21. I agree with it has to suit your headshape and also it comes down to style preference. Personally I prefer Oakleys. I have 3 pairs, lol (Juliet,pewter frame with Iridium Fire lenses; Why 8.0, silver frame with black chrome lenses; Oil Drum, transparent brown frame with brown lenses)
  22. Driving with no bonnet FTW!!!! and a video please, rofl
  23. I'm waiting for someone to put them side stickers on a 350Z, lol
  24. Tell him he can use them on his missus too, just add Dodo Juice "Born To Be Slippy" and...
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