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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Saved going back to page 3 I am not going to ask how you got a Username of DildoX I used to f**k about alot during CounterStrike gaming sessions, so I named myself that...at least it stopped people calling me a d!ck, lol
  2. Like I said, they will probably say I should have started with a dilluted mixture first and then go up in strength as opposed to using it neat from the off. Tis ok, I had to learn the hard way, changed the thread title to reflect that.
  3. While you were dropping the roof you drove under a low bridge? Early roadsters (anycar) which started life as a hardtop before being converted to a softtop/roadster were called choptop's. Wow......am I showing my age I know, but funny how when the americans made "choptop"s, it meant that they lowered the roof itself and didn't convert to a soft top. They just put a tent on top of the car and used Gaffer Tape to hold it in place Anyway, where did BulletMagnet come from????? Go back to page 3 of this thread and you will find my entry...
  4. While you were dropping the roof you drove under a low bridge? Early roadsters (anycar) which started life as a hardtop before being converted to a softtop/roadster were called choptop's. Wow......am I showing my age I know, but funny how when the americans made "choptop"s, it meant that they lowered the roof itself and didn't convert to a soft top.
  5. While you were dropping the roof you drove under a low bridge?
  6. Nixy isn't actually B.A.Baracus is she? "I ain't gettin on no plane!" Have a nice time you two.
  7. If Nick from Clenz reads this, could you please tell ValetPro to change the instructions on the bottle. Not placing blame, but it may avoid others from having this happening to them. I know that what I will be told is that I should have started with a dilluted mixture rather than a neat application. Possibly add a warning for wheels with polished lips. Reduce the amount of dwell time stated for "neat" application. Change the instructions to do each wheel individually rather than "Spray all wheels, allow to dwell"
  8. When I first read that I thought....... first time off for the bikini top Careful Mike, you will be having wet dreams next easy deffo on the slaplist now...
  9. I think those bolts may actually be titanium...
  10. Well, here's the bad news. It has actually eaten the lacquer. I went to a local car detailer that does cars aswell as boats and he tried a variety of differt polishes, from very mild to medium abrasiveness. What we realized was when we polished the problem area, the cloth would go black, indicating it's actually polishing the aluminium. On another area on the same wheel the cloth would stay clear, showing that the lacquer is still in place. I'll just leave it as is for now, just gonna put Rimwax on the wheels for at least some protection and get them refurbed when I can. Good news is, I have now found a place to cater for all my Meguiars stuff, he stocks everything afaik. The guys company is called Dirty Dubs and goes by the name of James (but I'm not really sure about the name cos tbh, I've forgotten already, sry) Really friendly chap and really helpful. Did mention the forums to him and he may register on here. He also mentioned that his missus is perhaps looking for a Zed too. Here is his site http://www.dirty-dubs.co.uk/
  11. Will try Fairy Liquid, thanks Chris. I've also found out that there is a professional detailed here in Ipswich, company called DirtyDubs. Went round the house but as expected he was out. The neighbour did say that he usually gets home about 5pm, so I'll pop round then. Mentally, I'm preparing myself for a refurb job.
  12. You really dont wanna know Oh yes we do
  13. btw, I'd like to thank all of you for the messages of sympathy.
  14. I just wished the instructions were more precise on the bottle...or like a foot note in regards to specialist wheels refer to the website or something...
  15. Ah, that claying idea might be worth a shot too, didn't think of that. Yes, I did pressure wash the Bilberry off, as instructed on the bottle. Hope it's sunny tomorrow, then I can try different things.
  16. Tbh, I actually hoping that it's only layers of Rimwax that have been eaten rather than lacquer. After I tried some Autosol on one of the wheels, and then ran my finger over, I felt no real transition unless the lacquer is really really whisper thin. I will have at it tomorrow again, but with Megs ScratchX and see where it gets me. If all else fails I guess I'll just have to contact Pristine Alloy Wheels and see if they can strip and re-lacquer. (and prepare myself for a trouser soiling quote...)
  17. martinmac and I both have the Varis bonnet which comes with "traps that go under the vents and act as waterdrains and guide the water to the radiator area away from the engine
  18. Yeah, gonna get some ScartchX tomorrow, although I do have AG SRP here, but either way, it's pissing down outside so it will have to wait for now
  19. Or wire a tannoy to the motionactivated security light that then blares out "Oh for heavens sake, not you buggers again!!!"
  20. Damn, I baby my wheels too much. I phoned Gaz up from Envy and told him I felt right a right tw@t. I'll get some Megs Scratch X later, then I'll have to roll up my sleeves and do all four wheels, could take some time... Or I could just use Bilberry neat again and let it soak for longer to get rid of all the wax.....actually, better not.....just in case....
  21. So do you think that all I have done is strip the layers of wax?
  22. Right, thinking, well they are damaged now anyways, I took some Autosol to the offside front wheel. Gave it some gentle rubbing and to my suprise it started shining up. Now, I know I'm about to make myself look a right fool, but is it possible that all I have done is strip the layers of Rimwax that I have built up over the past weeks? I polished and then ran my finget over and I cannot feel as if there is a breach in the lacquer. Here's a pic If I have indeed only stripped the Rimwax, then you don't know how relieved I'll be. Go on then, I deserve a flaming....
  23. it might buff out with a good polishing machine. it doesn't look like its eaten through the laquer, more like its discoloured it. if you run your nail over it can you feel a height difference between the damamged and non damamged areas. i can't remember the instructions on autosol, b ut that might even do it. Good point rich, I did run my fingers over the area and you can deffo feel a difference in smoothness, but there doesn't seem to be a breach or ridge of any kind. I dare not attack with Autosol incase I cause more damage... Yup, all four wheels
  24. My understanding of "neat" was pure, like when you order whisky "neat", i.e. no ice and dilution...
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