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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Cheers Tim, will have a look for them boxes.
  2. Could be worse, you could be living 5 mins away from Envy South......eh Martin_W, lol
  3. That is an item you can buy. AFAIK, Envy can get them, just send Chilli Red or Gaz Walker (both are Envy) a PM and they'll be able to give you the lowdown.
  4. Depending on your budget, there may be a Zed of interest to you from forum members, that way you'll deffo know they've been looked after viewforum.php?f=56
  5. You can get them brandnew for that price, may be worth coming down in price to tweak interest.
  6. Will pop round Sainsburys on the way home. Feel proud to have contributed in a big press making event
  7. How about voodoo dolls with lots of pins in them and the ex-husbands face printed on them?
  8. Does Julie know that you chat people up on forums
  9. May I make a suggestion for Ver.2.0 of the LikwidArt badge, if I may of course. Why don't you add two little lugs on the back of the badge that go into the holes? That way it saves fiddeling about and minimizes the chances of sticking it on crooked, especially if they are hard to remove. Would the LikwidArt badge be able to be removed via the hairdryer method, seeing that it's made out of plastic?
  10. Yeh, call it the 'Bungs out K1 party' Gimme a date and I'll check if I'm free. Bungs will deffo stay home.
  11. Nothing more rewarding than being able to say "I did that!"
  12. If you fancy a challenge, then you could fit it yourself. That way it's only gonna cost you some wiring looms and a bit of patience.
  13. Well, tell that nosey cow that if she does anything like that again, then YOU will tell the police how SHE trespassed onto your property, because SHE was too nosey about YOUR renovations. She cannot have it both ways and she needs to put up and shut up. People are different, that's just life, if you don't like it (and I mean that stupid woman) then move to some remote area...
  14. Hmmm, that's odd... I'm 35 and have declared my mods (CF Bonnet, CF lip and wheels) and pay £600 fully comp, if I recall correctly I have 6 or 7 years NCB (protected) and more points than you. Mine is a '04 UK Coupe tho, so that prolly plays a factor.
  15. Apart from the moulded-in widearch kit...look like it's on coilovers too and 20" wheels which are prolly 10.5J wide on the front and 11.5J on the rear. I can also see a modded rear hatch to accomodate a rear filling fuelcell with double nozzle access. But apart from that, nothing major
  16. is that all you gonna do mark "WATCH"? you need to get some dust on your standard wheels instead of them sitting in the garage mate. My Rays are currently in a garage in Surrey...so......
  17. There are some insurance guys right here that do insurance for Zeds, incl. mods with a "Like for Like" scheme. viewtopic.php?f=63&t=16304
  18. Can't really say, since I only use the drivers door.... Only open the passenger door when cleaning the car and usually there isn't any water collected there. Double check that the door card is snug, because I think there is some sort of drain for water for when water comes off the window. (don't quote me tho)
  19. My current case is a Lian Li V2000, best alu case out there imo. Did have a moment of doubt as I stood over it with Dremel in hand about to cut into a £200 case, rofl. I just thought "Feck it, it will be glorious"
  20. ROFL!!! Well either that's an RC car or them lines in the road are mega huge! And them bonnet pins are monster, lol
  21. Nice one Husky, I still have one of the original ThermalTake Armor cases laying about, currently with an Asus Crosshair mobo in (disused). Also have an old ThermalTake Armor Jr. also, lol, currently housing an old AthlonXP 3200+ Barton CPU (setup for archiving purposes) I'd like to think that I take the same approach to my Zed by way of making it more individual.
  22. ...that RC car needs LED rear lights...
  23. I thought I had done everything from stock cooling went on to aftermarket passive coolers and then because I was curious, I decided to do watercooling. A challenge to myself and I think I have overcome it with flying colours
  24. No pics = no proof post pics of your rigs boys... Here's my build log for mine... http://www.watercoolinguk.co.uk/forums/ ... php?t=3697
  25. well, if you want to compare hitboxes and in-game physics and accuracy, then yes, the "crummy" version is better. If however you are lured by nice gfx, then stick with CS:S.
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