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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Looked at the description on NWS Motor website: hmmmmm.....
  2. It is hard to tell, because different people have different levels of "clean". If the OP is happy with the results, then fine, but that does not stop us and the pro detailers on here from giving advice and opinions. Personally, I think £45 is cheap, but then again, we don't know what was used and what methods were employed. It might be worth checking for swirls and the like. Just hope it wasn't the girls and guys off the recent Apprentice
  3. Well it must be the MI6 edition with the ejector seat.....right?
  4. You could have done the Jeremy Clackson thing and just superglued a 5p to where the weight went mising Glad you got it sorted man
  5. Does that mean theat Zedrush needs to change his name?
  6. Doesn't need spacers, but lowering might be good
  7. Common as muck round my way.....lol you got : Dunker (lives down the road and to the left from me...) SilentKK8 Sally and some two or more I see driving about. Saw a silver/gunmetal Gallardo yesterday tho, but they are becoming more common too, makes that two Gallardos in Ipswich, that one and a powder baby blue one.
  8. Well, there is a feature on the cam, that allows me to program certain things, like ISO and shizzle I don't understand, lol
  9. If you get a chance, then visit an "Up Garage" store. These people specialize in second hand parts, which are usually reconditioned before selling them on. Some pics I got off the internet...
  10. Yeah, still using my trusty Sony T-7 point and click party cam, lol
  11. 11th Oct = Snetterton Modified Live 31st Oct = Ace Cafe 350Z Meet
  12. Someone stole my volk ones, I was fuming when I found out I've just bought myself some nice red caps but I think i'll only put them on for shows & meets +1 Only I went down to my local tyre guy and asked if he had some 2nd hand metal ones, and he did. Got them for free.
  13. I can only do the 1BM wash....cos there is only one of me....
  14. Would do it great publicity if we managed to get like say 50 Zeds outside, lol
  15. Ah, another to the K1 family... I personally think CS should sell the bungs seperately at a price of £299.99, that way people will not even contemplate putting the wussy bungs in in the first place
  16. Here's a totally out of the box idea and I know I'll get flamed for it for sure, but how about a forum lottery. Each member pays £1 a month and we draw a number at random every 1st of the month, winner gets the monthly pool. To make it more fair and hopefully even, whoever wins, cannot be entered into the draw the following month, but can if willing still pay. What you guys and girls think?
  17. Reminds me of a LAN party and upon leaving we wrote "Cop Killer" into the the dirt of one of our mates cars and he didn't realize until he got home, lol
  18. I'm sure we all do it at some point....I do give female posters female voices when I read it in my head, same for males. for example, I do the steroetypical thing and have Graham Nortons voice for Markie (Nixys waxing buddy)...
  19. Borrow the bike racl off caroline and put the donuts on that.....yeah, they'll be covered in roaddirt by the time they get there.....
  20. I might put Skoda badges on mine jus to add to the confusion....
  21. FM band expanders can be had from as little as £3.99 on ebay btw.
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