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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. It's obvious... ...he's a p0rnstar
  2. Everybody wear baseball hats and talk chav when rtbiscuit arrives...
  3. Gonna be quite hard to overstep me, size-XXL FTW!!!!
  4. How much did they charge for fitting? Or did they supply the parts too?
  5. Would look better with different wheels tho...
  6. I was making light of the situation and felt no need to approach Envy direct as there is nothing to resolve. I have not asked Envy to remove the pictures and have no intention of doing so although Sarah has kindly offerred to remove them. No Drama here. Not saying there is any drama, but it has made you feel the urge to make a post about it, so in some way you felt something needed to be said. I'm just trying to suggest what I would have done, nothing more.
  7. Don't get me wrong Alex, but have you asked them via PM about this and tried to get this sort of thing resolved out of the public limelight? I'm sure if asked to remove the pics, they will. You wouldn't like it if somebody made a public post about something you did, rather than approaching you first, right? Just my opinion, not taking sides.
  8. Since I live in the same town as Ray, does anybody know a good place that can fit these items? rtbiscuit, could you ask Team AFM how much they would charge for something like this? (Seeing as you are the only contact with them afaik)
  9. Bout time you posted on here, lol While we are here, can somebody recommend any traders that may have standard or uprated clutch kits and flywheels and appoximate costs involved?
  10. Can't wait to see the finished car! It's original incarnation was great, can't see how it can be made even better!
  11. Great bit of filming, was half expecting tyre treads in flames and a bunch of Zeds going back in time It's missing a K1 fly-by tho.......might have to come next year then...
  12. I reckon it's the "Grass is greener" complex taking hold, either that or "Follow the masses, I don't wanna do what I wanna do" syndrome
  13. Or save yourself even more money and keep the Zed...
  14. Then you might want to get one of Maz' alu undertray then...
  15. too much, lol £2495 for a 4 wheel kit... http://www.z-store.co.uk/index.cfm?fuse ... rentCat=39
  16. Your not the first person to have suggested that but no i dont deal hardcore drugs, cars a bit too noticable for that line of work dont you think? . Paul Well, at least it's a good getaway vehicle....
  17. I did have a quick look on Axis own website and these are avail in 20" only and were designated for the GT-R. So baring 20" in mind, these are not gonna be cheap...and then you'll need tyres too....
  18. Who is night rifer? Maybe that's the chinese version?
  19. Whether this is fake or not, it truely made me think "WTF is this?" http://www.snotr.com/video/2800
  20. expensive they may be...but they are gooooood....
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