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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. How the hell did you become a teacher? With that keen sense of observation, you should be the head of Police in no time... I'm suprised they didn't nick the calipers while they were there... Mind you, couple of battery powered torque guns and couple of guys, prolly all over in less than 5 mins.
  2. It's great to see the speculations flying about, lol I have bought a set of 5Zigen Titanium nuts from Envy when I bought my wheels. - Yes, they are sold as a set of 20 nuts - Yes, there are 16 regular nuts and 4 locking nuts - Yes, the key is included and will fit the regular aswell as the locking nuts - No, the price is not for just 5 nuts - Yes, I have put leccy tape around my socket to protect my wheels, and also I know that my local tyre fitters actually use a plastic sleeve on their socket to prevent damage too.
  3. I thought that with 16 individual units, it would be a more cooler and crisper sound, but the components overheat quickly and start to melt....
  4. Now perhaps an in-line signal booster is needed... Oh, and to be sure, just double check your grounding wires
  5. Hasn't made a difference in sound quality at all...
  6. is there a small wiring diagramm in the back of the Pioneer manual or something, that might help clear it up
  7. I thought the main speaker cables run thru the ISO plug anyways and the RCA's are for additional speakers? for speakers attached to amps and the such, hence RCA's that can then plug straight into amps... Just guessing, because the last time I fitted a Pioneer was about 6 years ago on my Honda, lol (was one of the first to have OLED display tho, hehe)
  8. Check srobriens thread on when he installed hid Pioneer with the ICT loom, should help. viewtopic.php?f=27&t=19787
  9. You should sell them on eBay as "350Z enthusiast Brembo paperweight / doorstoppers"
  10. If I had truckloads of manure dumped on my drive, I'd call the local garden centre and ask if they wanted highly discounted manure.....either way is money for nothing, lol
  11. Now that it has been explained as to why, I'm totally fine with it. It was only because I checked the forums at 1am in the morning whilst on a break at work on my phone that I saw it was deleted and no reason was given.
  12. Just wondering where it's gone basically. With this place being rife with suggestive jokes and bum humour, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. As a suggestion, couldn't the mod who deleted not just have edited my post to remove the YouTube link and add why this was done, i.e. "Deemed inappropriate" or something. I suppose deleting a thread is just easier and more anonymous. From my point of view, there was a warning in the title of the thread, the video link itself started with "Wrong Hole" so it's not like you couldn't have any doubts as to what it could be reffering to. So if you think you may get offended, then just don't click the play button. Obviously I don't know whether the thread was hard or soft deleted.
  13. Miles better than the NFS Undercover, prolly due to a diferent development team doing this one. Oh, since sold the Ford GT500, sold the R34, won some more races and bought a R35 GT-R, which got fully upgraded and then works converted, and also bought a Zonda R. Supercars cannot be upgraded btw, just vinyl and wheels and paint...
  14. A little bird tells me that a forum member is possibly after these....
  15. Is that his weekly Spam delivery?
  16. Well either way, for the refurb, the tyres will be taken off, hence why I suggested that the refurbers fit the new ones. fronts on the Rays are 225 wide and rears are 245 wide.
  17. found john grose did me the best price, don't mind them fitting as after they're on, then it goes to the refurb shop for a new paint job. having to do it this way as i can't get the tyres and temporay wheels all in at the same time. Why not save the cost and have the new tyres fitted at the refurb place. They'll only take the newly fitted tyres off anyways. I'm pretty sure you can fit 4 tyres into the Zed... Unless it takes more than one day, then I'm sure that between the Zed and the Golf, you can carry the tyres to the refurb place... was hoping to borrow a set of wheels and it was fitting those in as well. but yes this would be the prefered method. You sure like to overcomplicate things....
  18. Yeah, but that was Christiano Ronaldo and a week old Ferrari, so it's ok......to$$er....
  19. It's about concealing your identity in case you are a shoplifter and the CCTV technology so far has no x-ray vision. Hoodies, Burkas, heck, even a Shemage should be challenged!
  20. I'll remember that if I want insurance in France, Germany, South Africa, Italy, USA, Egypt or Quatar....
  21. Good stuff! Yeah, my local testers love to take my car out, usually accompanied with the comment "Make sure your window is down so you can see where you are going when sideways..."
  22. But it's true tho, Tesco will happily challenge a "geek" because they assume him to be a low threat (Ooooooo, I'm scared of the Jedi mind trick....) Whereas they'd totally poo themselves at the prospect of ticking off a larger religious group that has been known to blow stuff up.
  23. He is a gunship pilot afaik, so right now, he might be firing a rocket onto some Taliban scum. Maybe even giving my brother some air support, hehe
  24. Like I said, I would like to see Tesco challenge Burka wearers....
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