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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. They only made Agent Ravai a lesbian cos they already had two love plots going...
  2. Yeah, my 1st Gen iPhone is a 8GB, paid £300 for it on eBay
  3. Hey maybe you can give us a guide to Iphone modding on the forum? It's gotten alot easier actually, back in the day, you had to go thru a certain procedure to unlock them, now all you do is download a program, connect the iphone and click a button and it all gets done for you, couldn't be easier
  4. I've bought mine off eBay from Hawaii, before they were out over here. And, I learnt a great deal about them, hence why there is a vodafone SIM in mine
  5. Or little Ewoks. Ewwww, just had an image of furry boobs in my head!!!
  6. When I saw the thread title, I was gonna reply "Hasn't she already got a pair...?" Then realized it was about dogs....
  7. Paint it white, add a "Red Suns" decal and sell it as an Initial D Special Edition
  8. I still think it's technique over tools used. But we shall see....
  9. Gold plated connectors are only to prevent oxidisation as far as I know, shouldn't improve or impede signal quality or strength...
  10. Where's the wine and grapes? Anybody notice that you never seen her face...and those big-ass sunglasses....so conclusion....must be hidiously ugly.....hence why she spent most of her time learning to drive and impress the boys...
  11. Bring your lightsabers too, cos "The Darkside" will be there too
  12. I'll laugh so much when they turn up outta nowhere and then from somewhere totally ridicoulous, like they were in the freezer (they fell in when we put the shopping away), hahahaha
  13. Whatever you do, don't feed it after midnight...
  14. Well, it's not stuck me in a ditch so far, thus I think they are good from a personal point of view. I don't track or race the car at all, so my limits and those of the tyres aren't really pushed. So you may well be right that other brands may be better, but for my "tarty" needs, they more than suffice.
  15. I know nixy is going thru a divorce, but at least you could wait until it's final until you start the flirting...
  16. You'll need a a BBK and then possibly a new front bumper with ducts for cooling the brakes. Sideskirts too that channel air towards the rear brakes to keep them cool. Hence why track cars have all sorts of ducting and stuff to aid airflow around and into the car.
  17. I think I suggested this a while back Well....Horse to water and all that jazz....
  18. I think that after you change your brakes, you'll need to try and change the way you apply the brakes in track. No personal experience on track, but looking at the comments from other regular tracksters, I'm guessing that would be a good point to start. Perhaps you brake too hard, thus causing a massive heat build-up. Maybe you should invest some monies into CAT Driver Training...
  19. I'd start from the backbox working my way to the y-pipe for removal and reverse for install
  20. Depending on age of the car, you may need airtools to remove the mid section from the Y-pipe. it's easier to get it up on a lift or have a trench to work in tho. My local garage took less than 30 mins to remove the old exhaust and fit the K1, just to give you an idea.
  21. As seen on Dixcel website: Are your rear calipers looking like this?
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