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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Ah good to hear. That in mind, when you take it to the track from now on out, you'll have to adapt a new braking style to accomodate the new brakes, i.e. you prolly won't have to do the late breaking and thus become more smoother in the corners If anything he will brake even later and even harder! Better start saving for the next setup then...... IMO, being a late braking hero does not make for faster lap times. The smoother you are makes fpr faster laps, but that's just my opinion.
  2. Ah good to hear. That in mind, when you take it to the track from now on out, you'll have to adapt a new braking style to accomodate the new brakes, i.e. you prolly won't have to do the late breaking and thus become more smoother in the corners
  3. nah if they are rolled and propert fitting wheels it would be fine The ride is prolly stiffer than a go-karts
  4. ah, now that I refreshed the page, they have vanished....perhaps he moved them within his album on photobucket and thus the links have become invalid...
  5. I reckon they don't have problems in Korea with unobedient dogs.....what you think they put in their Hot Dogs?
  6. Not only do we have pics, I made a guide last time too, enjoy viewtopic.php?f=35&t=22313
  7. Just checked out the Modified Live website....some lovely shots of my Zed (thanks to 3FIDDYZ for telling me)
  8. I have in the last two days took my mates Dell tower apart and upgraded the internals. When disecting the Dell, I noticed that Dell uses their own mounting mechanisms for the mobo, so my replacement mobo wouldn't fit at all, so another tower was recycled for the job. But the main thing I noticed was, when I completely took the Dell unit apart, when I got to take the CPU heatsink off, I was horrified. Whoever assembled the unit must have been a total idiot, the pink protective film that covers the thermal paste on the heatsink was still in place, I did wonder why the CPU was so clean when I took the heatsink off....numptys. This also explained why my mates PC was frequently overheating and why when he had iTunes open and tried to UnRAR a file, the PC would grind to a halt! If Dells quality control comes down to this, then no thanks Dell. Mind you, I've had a Dell laptop for a few years now and it's still going strong (XPS Gamer model M1707)
  9. My Zed went full throttle down the back straight at Snetterton and then again on the Start/Finish straight.....three times during the Modified Live Parade Lap. I was grinning alot, hehe
  10. I wore them to Modified Live Sunday just gone, so they are still about. but for driving I do prefer the Nikes
  11. mmmmmmmmm....... and wear these....Nike Air Zoom Moire (Mine are white with a golden Swoosh tho)
  12. I love the sound of the Nismo exhxaust..................but it ain't no 'Harrier' and that's exactly why I like it So if his Nismo is like a jump jet...what does that make me then? A frikkin Avro Vulcan at Mach 2???? From what I've seen on youtube - more of a Typhoon
  13. I love the sound of the Nismo exhxaust..................but it ain't no 'Harrier' and that's exactly why I like it So if his Nismo is like a jump jet...what does that male me then? A frikkin Avro Vulcan at Mach 2????
  14. And that engine bay looks horrible, at least could have cleaned up the plenum, and tidied up the wires from the grounding kit
  15. seems only the Veilside widearch kitted Zeds get the "magic" 60bhp upgrade....
  16. BulletMagnet


    I just change it every 12 months just to be sure. In the 350Z key, it's a common button type battery, which is not exclusive to Nissan
  17. Found myself walking thru town today and ended up walking into a camera shop and was looking at D-SLRs.....oh boy they ain't cheap....
  18. My pics, not many I'm afraid Madmarky returns from the ashes like a phoenix... 350Z-uk.com & GTROC stands Waiting to go on track for the Parade Lap Here we go... On track GT-R33 with stunning paintwork SVA Imports 350Z Drifter Lovin the humour...
  19. I was looking to enhance my natural sheen and look for protection in the upcoming harsh weather months. Nah it was a link from one of my friends on Facebook, thought I'd share. Airtime must be cheap over there to have a four minute TV ad....
  20. Deffo at the gate itself or where I suggested on the road to tthe gate?
  21. YAY! and once again the forum shows it's a great resource for anything Zed related.
  22. Well not with Pantene, with hair so silky smooth, it won't get caught up in anything.
  23. ...that this is a commercial for Pantene Hairproducts? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um9KsrH377A
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