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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Yeah, but you prolly talking post surgical Carol as opposed to pre, cos before she had bits done to her, she was rather the Plain Jane...
  2. The plan is prolly to have a private game on PKR and Beavis takes all the money, lol
  3. Who are the Patriots and Buccaneers? NFL teams doing a stop over match as part of their NFL International Tour, American Football basically
  4. are you serious? She is old and not fit. You're obviously in your very early twenties! When you get to the back end of your twenties, women like her are to be appreciated, she looks naughty, and I reckon she could drink a few of us under the table even though she has a posh voice! - from my experience she'd be awesome and I reckon pretty hard to please, but I'm sure a few wouldn't mind having a go at that!! Long live VBH I mean just look how much she's enjoying herself right here.... Jerry, try to find her agent and get her down to the Ace Cafe, so she can relive the good old times of Fifth Gear when they were filming there and as the added bonus she'll be surrounded by one of her most fav cars ever!!!
  5. Seller sounds russian.....check boot for mafia victims, lol
  6. Cor VBH.....at least she has taste in cars
  7. Shall I just pop round and point at it? lol
  8. Ah, I see, so 3G it is rather than 3GS, until the Dev Team comes up trumps again... I come from the days where you used to jailbreak by dialling and then getting the wi-fi going and then doing it step by step days, rather than today GUI versions, but I'm so thankful for the GUI versions, makes things sooooo much easier
  9. Personally, if I was to get a replacement for my 2G iPhone, it would prolly ge a 3G not a 3GS, purely due to cost involved. Don't see why I should pay £750 for a 3GS tbh. I suppose it doesn't matter how new the phone is, just a matter of the FW, so even if you got the latest phone with the latest FW, you could easily revert the FW to an older one that has been already broken, right?
  10. WOW, talk about red rag to a bull. I do not fear uncle martinmac (because he's a nice guy really) and I'm on nixys slaplist anyway. Hope the Wales expedition brings your body shape closer to that of Jason Statham...
  11. He's a vid that will most likely put you off chinese for life! ***WARNING***DO NOT WATCH THIS IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH OR ARE LIKELY TO VOMIT EASILY Hence why I only posted the link, and not proper YouTube linked it...
  12. I remember ages ago (when I was a kid) I read Thrasher Magazine, a skateboard mag, and they had a section on cooking on the go. I remember a particular one that involved using a car. Get a steak, cover in mustard, then wrap in tinfoil and wrap around exhaust backbox. Drive for 15 mins at 40mph and then turn steak, drive for another 15 mins at 40mph. Stop car, open foil and eat. ***Disclaimer*** Anybody doing this does so on their own risk, BulletMagnet will not be held responsible for any ill effects, because every sane person knows that cooking is to be confined to the kitchen and preferrably done by sprinkles and +1's
  13. factory BT should be linked to the original Bose, thus logic demands that once the Bose is out, then the factory BT goes with...?
  14. Hardware unlocks have now been a thing of the past ever since the Dev Team got their hands onto them. When a new FW comes out, you'll just have to wait a couple of weeks and the Dev Team have a new Restore FW ready and usually a QuickPwn to go with it...
  15. that really looks nothing like my cockpit mines a uk pre06 I was on about the dials, not the rest of it Yes, but in my UK one the centre and right dial are swapped.....
  16. I was told to block shift, but only on the downshift, not the upshift...
  17. You could go to a motorbike shop and get them little bits of clear velcro they use for their headlight protectors...look odd tho when the covers are off...
  18. Cos you don't wanna be a d!ck like this one...
  19. On trackdays, you usually put tape over your lights, most do an "x" shape. This is to prevent the shards to go everywhere incase of them getting damaged, thru stone chips, or car bits falling off cars infront, etc. etc.
  20. I'm gonna get some pieces of wood, spend the winter sculpting and varnishing them and sell them as a complete bodykit with genuine wood effect and put it on there, see if I can start a new craze....Oak effect Nismo sideskirts anyone?
  21. My knowledge is too limited for that....but I might be pushed to learn, lol
  22. Friends ? lovers..? Nah, we'll leave that to you and rtbiscuit.....
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