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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. True true, saw the Fedor vs Arlowski fight on Affliction and Fedor has pure knockout power!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaO4VW3s-Wo
  2. Go round and see if he now has a small red cube parked on his drive, lol
  3. Or you are trying to fool people to think your a "Fair Lady", but then you bust out the slaplist on their a$$, check names, find name, slap to oblivion and drive away with screeeching tyres.... You should be careful - Wales will come around again quicker than you think and I'm exercising my arm! Think BM has alot more arm practice than you do Nix And that's only on ONE arm....oh....that was too much info I think....
  4. I blame the "must have" mentality of some folk that bow down to debt and don't care how bad it gets, until they are thoroughly in the proverbial. If you can't afford it, then just don't buy it. It's like when I saw the program on telly called "The Bank Of Mum & Dad", I could have cringed when I saw how bad some kids were in debt. Mostly because it's so easy to get a credit card or borrow money when banks see that you have enough lifespan left to pay it back.
  5. Or you are trying to fool people to think your a "Fair Lady", but then you bust out the slaplist on their a$$, check names, find name, slap to oblivion and drive away with screeeching tyres.... You should be careful - Wales will come around again quicker than you think and I'm exercising my arm! Oh yeah...May 2010...ermmm....I'm pretty sure I'll be washing my hair on whichever weekend it'll be...
  6. Yeah, you'll have a right treat. Randy Couture is on that card, aswell as Bisping and Hardy
  7. But honestly, I've seen actual loansharks of the shady chinese community in action and it's bad... Say a hard gambling cook at a restaurant goes off to play mahjong in a gambling parlour in chinatown, then gets tapped out of his own money, he then wants to "borrow" some, hoping to win his own money back. Shark will oblige, usually a minimum of £5K, and the term usually runs for 12 months. The Pay-Off works like this: The cook will pay back anything between 2% - 5% of the total loan amount every week as interest and at the end of the year the original £5K on top too. And if the gambling urge still has a hold, then there will be other loans and as a result, you get some restaurants suddenly changing names and stuff...or cooks/waiters/etc. just disappear.
  8. If you watch some of the current Ultimate Fighter Series, it's like when he's smack talkin to Rashad Evans (the opposing coach) he's gettin into character for B.A., lol. Mind you, Rampage does drive an Audi R8, some there's a flaw right there.... (think, he's black and does things that don't help the stereotype, i.e. expensive "ride", which gets the "big shiny rims" treatment, I was more suprised there weren't any spinners on the R8...)
  9. Anyone want to borrow a tenner off me then....?
  10. Lol, I remember, haha But yeah, about the offsets, even tho I have a decent dish on my Volks, they are still positive offset, +28 on the front and +23 on the rear. It's all down to the overall width of the wheel like Jord said. Always a good time to whore pics to help illustrate a point
  11. Rampage is also seen on the current series of The Ultimate Fighter - Heavyweights. His second time as a coach on the series. He's fought Wanderlei "The Axe Murderer" Silva in the Pride Fighting and UFC a total of three times, only winning once. Wanderlei knocked him out viciously in Pride with a barrage of knees. So yeah, just walk up to him and say he's from a gay boyband, I dare you, lol (Shame he's retiring from the sport tho...)
  12. Or you are trying to fool people to think your a "Fair Lady", but then you bust out the slaplist on their a$$, check names, find name, slap to oblivion and drive away with screeeching tyres....
  13. ^what he said.. well said that man. ikarus....you do realize that you too are on the infamous "slaplist" for calling nixy a man, lol. Yes, believe it or not, nixy is a woman...
  14. This isn't one of rtbiscuits classes is it?
  15. No, it's a Nissan Stagea, with R34 front....
  16. How about a Stagea as a family car? Loads of room in them.....
  17. Did you HPI check it at all? No history of it being in an accident or anything that may be underlying?
  18. Only two companies I know that make reliable and quality lambo doors kits are LSD and GT Factory. Even tho welding is not required, most weld the kits in place "just in case", which isn't a bad idea. Cheapest I've seen a LSD kit go for is like £900, but that was awhile ago (i.e. when Nemesis were still a proper garage, operating out of Langham near Colchester)
  19. It's no fun if Rich can't moan at them straight away mind you, according to Facebook, Rich was in a van and tracked from afar, so much for hiking all the way then....
  20. Can you imagine the VBH vs Clarkson battles? Oh that would be something to watch, haha I mean remember Sabine Schmitz? She totally showed Clarkson up....and that was in a van!
  21. That would be stupid and dangerous. The lips is your indicator, so you know where your at, for when you don't have a tapemeasure at hand. Filing down the lip does not give you thickness back.
  22. I've been using my old vodafone contract in mine and it's been fine, no extra charges at all
  23. "If you can't spot the sucker within the first 30 mins, then it's you...you're the sucker..."
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