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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Not wanting to sound sarcastic or anything, but if you are asking that question on a 350Z Owners forum, I suspect most replies will be a little biased... But should you go for a 350Z, then I bid you a warm welcome to the club
  2. Just been out and washed the Zed, lol. Had to do it, otherwise it would have bugged me, haha
  3. I think I'll bring my SWAT vest to tomorrows Ace Cafe meet.....
  4. Had 12 hour sifhts yesterday and today, so by the time I got home today it was gone past 6:30pm, so not real cleaning or waxing for me before tomorrow. Prolly just go over it quickly later without foam, no wax
  5. £100 and they last longer than the stock exhausts too. Yes that would probably work in that other universe, where I'm the smart one of the couple! Just get Envy to stick one of the supermarket price tags on the box saying £99.99
  6. Yes, he did have a partay, here's a pic...
  7. I'm sure the discussion about legal and illegal DVDs and whether todays public will still go to the cinema and whether that experience is value for money or not surely deserves it's own topic and discussion.
  8. Remember that Husky eats bucket loads of beans and farts into the seats at an alarming rate, so I don't envy the new owner of his old seats...
  9. Can't you just access the headlight bulbs by removing the front half of the wheelarch liners?
  10. How about Del Boy stylee?
  11. OK OK, I am totally crap at trying to use examples for my argument, but at least people know what I'm trying to say, right?
  12. I'm actually liking the fact that alot of people are having an input on this. It might give traders on here an idea of how people think about certain things and give them a better idea what to supply parts wise.
  13. I don't drink or take drugs.....totally naturally induced posting.... Coooorrrrrr....right!!!!!! I'm gonna start a slap list just for you know.......either that or you remove me off yours cos we are even....
  14. Indeed it is, what I mean by highly personal, is not in terms of privately personal, just to warn people that this is my personal opinion
  15. I was wondering when someone would cotton on to the K1, lol The discussion is not whether the Zed is a proper Sports Tourer of not. I cannot get over myself, because physically it's impossible to get over oneself. And regarding your P.S., Title says "Highly Personal Rant", so take it or leave it, lol
  16. I like you, because you went for something different and new, the only reason that you would repeat some items is purely for weave matching to your other offerings, which is cool. I have personally seen the surrounds you made and they are great.
  17. Coops, like I said, this is a personal opinion so take it with a pinch of salt Yes I do have a PS3, but games are region free anyway, so no need for chipping. Ross, I know what your saying and as Ian has pointed out my flaw already, you may well be totally right, but would you rather buy a noname brand headunit from Argos or an established brand like Panasonic, Pioneer or Sony?
  18. Yes, resorting to pointing out a flaw in my original argument is very good, but I have already explained my point tho. And looking at your own spec list, it looks like you may have a similar attitude to myself as all the stuff listed is genuine and in some cases quite rare... I 100% agree with you BUT there is a huge flaw in your argument. You are ranting at people for selling replicas but then bigging up the REPLICAS that envy sell. I want the TS diffuser but I would pay the extra & get the TS one OK, fine then... Shall I change the argument from those items to something like....hmmmm....lets say INGs genuine vs INGs replica rear bumpers then? We all know what the results there are....
  19. Yes, resorting to pointing out a flaw in my original argument is very good, but I have already explained my point tho. And looking at your own spec list, it looks like you may have a similar attitude to myself as all the stuff listed is genuine and in some cases quite rare...
  20. I'm not made of money myself, thus I make even more a point of getting genuine stuff, and am more chuffed about it than if I had a fake/replica, because I wouldn't feel right for working hard to save up for a mod on my car. But like the title says "CAUTION HIGHLY PERSONAL RANT", so it's just my opinion and that's that.....free country and all that...
  21. Nope, I didn't say that, but then you prolly read my post too fast...let it soak in, linger a little and then post a reply...
  22. I knew someone would say that, but it's not a rubbish one that has any issues with fitment or quality, so meh and kiss my backside
  23. ...enough of all those on here that make replica bits and bobs for the Zed that other traders are selling the genuine article of. Frickin buy the originals you cheapskates. Like for example, Envy stock the Mastergrade rear diffuser, yes it's expensive, but then again, it's tip top quality. Do you realize how much impact it has on traders that have took a long time to establish themselves by selling good quality parts and you come swanning along with your replicas? I have no qualms if you produce parts that nobody else sells (i.e. CF battery and brake fluid surrounds and the like), but leave the existing items alone will ya? Yes, this makes me look like an Envy fanboy, and if so, who cares? At least I know I'll have quality everytime I shop there. Flame me, ignore me, I don't friggin care, just had to get this out of my system.
  24. I think apart from Sambo, he's also got some russian Systema training in him
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