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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. End of the day, it's just greed in my opinion. The K1 and K2 were selling fine thru the forum traders, but I suppose Japspeed thought they'd cut out the middleman and supply from the source and keep the profit margin up.
  2. Plus the organisation was a little chaotic. No offense to Husky, but shouldn't Japspeed themselves be keeping an eye on the lists and stuff? For this reason alone, I prefer to deal with traders rather than disributors/manufacturers. With the traders on here, you get more of a feeling that they care about you being their customer (see CS, Envy, etc.)
  3. Nah, prolly not me tho, cos I got it on PC. And, I don't remember doing much killing, lol
  4. clues to look out for follow: You forgot the "bud" after every sentence, lol
  5. Just bought it this morning from Tesco after a nigt shift, paid £29 for my PC version. Will install later, off to bed methinks...
  6. True true, I like to scope out the rush routes, lol. In CoD4, I usually run round with C4 in my hand and rush the enemy, see them, chuck the C4 and boom, lol. People started to hate me for doing that. Had the highest number for C4 kills on our server.
  7. Mind you, I read someewhere, that to prevent the "unfair" advantage, the people that got their games early, i.e. before official release, would have the stats reset on official release date, so everybody starts from scratch
  8. Well, on another matter, this might be the turning point that people like me were waiting for. With a large company sitting up and taking notice, like Demon Tweeks, this might well turn into a bonafide "tuner" part and if the feature in Max Power goes ahead, at least there will be some mainstream support for it. At least we all know that the seed was planted here and I'm sure that means that the club will get some more exposure to the public. (Even if it is exposure to the baseball hat wearing brigade, lol)
  9. Do have to agree, the Story mode in the first Modern Warfare was great, even tho it was too short. I passed up on WaW, because I didn't like the thought of using old weapons again, and thus sat waiting for the next MW instead. Haven't even pre-ordered, just gonna walk into a shop sometime and buy it off the shelf.
  10. A little, but I think I do have a point tho, even if it's only minor.
  11. I've read this thread and then sat back and wondered... Since when did we bow to the media hype of games companies? Why is it so important to be the first to play it? And if you do play it first, do you like get a special medal in game called "First To Play Online, OMG!!! PWNZ0R!!!"? So what, I'll get it later than anybody else, at least I won't encounter the servers being totally full for the first week, lol As for First Person Shooters on consoles, I myself prefer FPS games on a PC, the way you are supposed to play them, nothing beats the keyboard & mouse interface.
  12. I think they might be modded headlights from dreamcustomz
  13. It's because the doubters (including myself) have been silenced..... Good job Scott, best of luck with the sales.
  14. I hope Scott can beat the odds and make this work, because who knows what I may do in the future....
  15. Either buy one or makes another 314 posts
  16. If tea and chocolate hobnobs are on the menu, you might get an audience!! I'd rather have Fox's Extremely Crunchie Cookies with fruit and nut tho.
  17. +1 and after reading the notes above, i would be unsure if i would buy an item if it was show use only. its either fit for purpose or its not. I know full well that this product should be, and i doubt we will see an issue. but for me its either fit or it isn't Not even if the material is scientifically more than fit for the job, well on paper at least?
  18. Right, I'm gonna stop posting on this thread, cos I'm not even buying one. But just be said that the "Show Use Only" strikes me as a bad idea
  19. As I said above, "Show Use Only" is gonna be a bit hard for an integral part of the engine, it's not like show style numberplates or strobe lights.
  20. Does that mean you have to carry the carbon plenum in the boot, then arrive, spend time swapping the plenums over and then swapping them back before driving home? PITA if you ask me. might aswell just make a plenum overlay then that you put on when you park up... (Or buy a trailer and don't drive the Zed at all )
  21. I see the joke in this, but it's one thing to have carbon dress-up items and carbon items that have a major function in your car, i.e. part of the engine.
  22. But then again, you could use the same argument on yourself. How can you defend something that hasn't been made yet? I think it's best to let Scott do what he needs to do to get this thing made, and then we'll see what's what. Until then any discussion will be pretty pointless. My personal take on this: When you say "martin if you can show me an example of a carbon plenum from another manufacturer that has melted", don't you stop for a second and wonder why there is a lack of carbon plenums on the market for our car? Wouldn't you think that people like Cosworth would have given it a go? But they made one with carbon covers, rather than completly out of carbon. But again, until the item has been finalized and thoroughly tested, we won't know for sure. And I mean thorough, i.e. give it at least a month on an engine to see what it does long term. No point having something nice and shiney, when it don't work properly. Also, will these items come with some sort of a guarantee? In case that the item causes damage to the engine? Just my thoughts.
  23. Lin, be reassured that Sarah has a wealth of knowledge in regards to the Zed (no pressure Sarah, lol)
  24. Go visit Sarah at Envy South in Chobham. They have a nice cardboard box with "5Zigen" written on the side of it and has a nice shiny new exhaust on the inside....
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