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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Does the +06 console match to a -06 interior? Only issue I can see is where the edge above the heater controls is different and might possibly need trimming. Other than that is there anything else one might need to do?
  2. Well, it wouldn't be on your conscience unless you fitted it. We all don't like hearing about people having an accident, even less so when there is a fatality. But think of it this way... Say sketch fits a full race cage, including full six-point harnesses. Let's say he has an accident that knocks him out and it just so happens that the car catches fire. A passer-by wanting to help the driver out the car opens the door to help. Now how many non petrolheads or car enthusiasts would be able to undo a harness and get the body out of a fully caged car? In this particular scenario, I'd prefer a show cage. But all this is just theoretical nonsense and I remain with what I said before, if sketch likes it, then why not, it's his car after all.
  3. made me re read it and i laughed to the point of crying Or hidden option number three... Bra, suspender belt, stockings and.........crotchless knickers, thus eliminating the need to pull aside....
  4. Stick it on the passenger sunvisor, so when you need to display it, then just flip 'em off, lol
  5. It's funny how everybody has an opinion isn't it? On one hand we say it's nice to see something different, but only as long as it's within a set of unwritten rules apparently. As soon as someone goes beyond and non-conforms, all the flamethrowers come out of the attic. It's sketch's car and personally I think he can do whatever he pleases with his car. There are so many mods that I personally don't like on other peoples cars, because I find them cheap and tacky, but I don't usually say anything, because I know that everybody has different tastes. Live and let live I think, we can't all be as awesome as you uebermodders...
  6. Just slightly off topic... ***beware, bad language and stuff*** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8eq2tfDyRw
  7. Hmmmm...TSW winter wheels..... What would a set of Rays be worth in a part-ex in this kinda deal?
  8. +1 But i really cant see it happening. You not gonna have another bet with Ebized then?
  9. Currently enjoying the "Cold Blooded" perk, so much fun as a sniper
  10. You're the engineer with a teaching degree....figure it out!
  11. Agree, the story is good. Just remember tho that it's partially a biography with some made up bits thrown in to make it more fitting for the big screen. had to love the bit when he challenged for 10 men...
  12. Donnie Yen is currently filming the second part of the IP Man story, which continues in Hong Kong from when he fled China. Inresting fact is that Donnie didn't even practice Wing Chun prior to being cast in the film. He adapted very fast tho, but that's prolly due to his natural martial arts skills.
  13. You should av done....i v got a variety of goodies...just tell me how you want me to make you feel!!! Rhohypnol?
  14. If you do decide to go for a K2, may I suggest you order from CS or Chilli Red, because if you order from Japspeed direct, you'll prolly have to wait 8 weeks and then prolly have it sold to another customer and then them saying it was a first come forst served basis...
  15. Your holiday pics finally surface huh....
  16. why am i now picturing your wife in hold ups biscuit You do remember that Lucy is on here as Mrs.Biscuit, right?
  17. only 69er I know is Shrike, lol
  18. Like you'd even notice with yer beeer goggles on I know we need a poll on how to undo a bra! ROFL I do it one handed, without looking, it's very easy to be honest, just pinch and unhook in one smooth movement. Front loaders are obviously easier.
  19. Trying to show Husky the ways of defeating boredom... viewtopic.php?f=13&t=29865
  20. If your bored, then make threads like this... viewtopic.php?f=13&t=29875
  21. As the title says. A very important question in todays society. Will a woman be frowned upon for wearing mismatched underwear? Will it make a difference if the mismatched underwear is from a high end retailer such as Agent Provocateur? Does it even matter, because it'll be on the floor within 5 mins anyway? Please discuss *Disclaimer* This thread is for pure fun and entertainment purposes only. Should any female member feel offended or disgusted by this thread, then sorry, you just don't have a sense of humour and should seek professional help immediately.
  22. Yeah, was in a few clans myself on CS1.6 [suicide] Grammaton | Clerics [n00b] the [suicide] clan gave me my name, used to be called [suicide]DildoX, but being a more casual player and having a liking for rushing most rounds, I quickly got called a BulletMagnet, thus my name became [suicide]BulletMagnet, has stuck ever since, lol
  23. I had my top Wisdom teeth taken out by the denstist a few years abck, but when it came to the lower ones, the dentist also refferred me to the hospital. The reason for this, the dentist explained, was that the lower wisdom teeth sit close to the main nerve that connects to all the other lower teeth, and should he get it wrong, the result, in the worst case scenario, would be that all the lower teeth die off and fall out. Went to the hospital, where I s greeted by two ladies, and thay had them safety sheilds on, that make them look like a bomb disposal unit. They said it shouldn't take long and that I should be done in about 20 mins. 45 mins later, thay were still digging bits of tooth out of my gums, because the wisdom teeth had fractured and 'exploded', but once they picked all the fragments out I has fine. On another note, be careful of Greekman, he might check a cavity that's not in your mouth
  24. But Andy, yours works, cos the matt paint job makes it look more 'industrial', more like a steath bomber, so the bolyt-on look works very well for you. I do like the blended kit, but I sometimes have to think "Hmmm, blended rear bumper...indicator bulb goes....call the bodyshop....."
  25. You and BM obviously suffer from this: R Man, I see inches of dust on that old vid.... At least we ain't gone this far, lol
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