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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Well done on the purchase, you'll notice that the hairdresser comments will stop now too
  2. possibly move the nuts by one hole? It seems like there is a small lips to accomodate the bolt heads, so it sits flush. I'm thinking that the clean areas are where the wheel mouns too, rather than the dirty spaces. Only guessing, perhaps someone who has fitted spacers can help.
  3. Two things... 1) Coyote Ugly impressions are great, but only if performed by girls. 2) Is there a video on YouTube? Hope you get better soon
  4. ...didn't see Tim Twatwood in any of the pics....
  5. totally ruined the joke... A panda picks up a hooker and they go to a cheap motel to have sex. He goes down on her for hours and she has multiple orgasms. Afterward, while the panda is getting dressed the hooker sits up in bed and says, "I need you to pay me now!" The panda just shrugs and keeps putting on his clothes. The hooker jumps out of bed and says, "I need you to pay me! I am a hooker, this is what I do for a job!" The panda shrugs again and continues putting on his clothes. The hooker runs to her purse and pulls out a mini dictionary and looks up the word "hooker." She shows the panda what it says: "Hooker; has sex for money." The panda smiles and flips to "Panda", and then without saying another word walks out of the room. The hooker looks down at the definition and reads: "Panda; eats shoots and leaves."
  6. Dude it affects me as much as every other non blonde pale face with a beer belly... Have you seen me in the middle of the night in thick woolen jumper, leather jacket and unshaven??? Enough to get shot in advance if in a high sensitivity area!!! ps i never reply from a distance to a copper cos my accent makes it even more dangerous...lmao I've been to work dressed like this If they expect it, then I wont disappoint them. But saying that, I got a co-worker that could be a prime suspect for terrorist activities...
  7. I take it LCR does not stand for Lairy Chav Racer ten...
  8. I think I seem to remember that someone on here said that Toyo's should be worn in for about 100 miles to get rid of the release agent.
  9. My preference of playing FPS on a PC comes from basically playing FPS for many years and it's the interface that I'm most comfortable with. We are talking way back to the days of the original Wolfenstein and Doom days. I find it difficult to adapt to a different inferface, such as the gamepad for such games. I mean racing games and platformers are fine, I just cannot get into playing FPS on a console at all. Sadly, Infinity Ward have messed up and ther is a lack of dedicated servers for us PC gamers, but we are still hoping that IW will change their stance on this. There's nothing worse than being in a middle of a Killstreak and suddenly during the firefight, the host migrates. On a plus side tho, I do like the fact that it's easy to assemble a team and join a game.
  10. Go on then, someone stick a knife in the fork wielder already! Kill me off, cos I certainly don't conform to the majorities standards.
  11. Come on Hans Von German..... Berliner? Doughnut! anyway Could be worse tho, you could have had a Berliner and a Amerikaner in bed at the same time Imagine the crumbs in the bed after that!
  12. You know what, fork'em! Fork all those on their high horse bullshit talking w@nkers. Fork them who are so rigid and think that a man cannot change his opinion sometimes. Fork those who are high riding "Oh, it's gotta be a 'proper' rollcage" but would never fit one anyways. Fork those who think a ECU reflash should carry a power increase. Fork those who have an opinion on every forking thing. Fork you all and you can suck the creamy smelly sh!t from my ass.
  13. although i do actually agree with you here, did you not have a go at everyone who doesnt buy original bodykits not too long ago? that wasnt a very 'live and let live' attitude! Mind you, if you guys actually read that my "rant" was highly personal and an expression of my own personal opinion, then you may have a point. But again, kids will be kids and find a change of subject is in order when an ongoing discussion is thinning out. Whatever...I'll stick to what I do and keep my mouth shut.
  14. Ahem... PS Drei gehen krumm ueberall am platz squaddy in Germany speak. I don't speak more than 7 words of the Germania talk. Ich bein ein Berliner! - There's 4 ROFL!!! Ich = I bein = leg ein = a Berliner! = Citizen of Berlin
  15. Ahem... PS Drei gehen krumm ueberall am platz
  16. It helps if you use some detailing spray to buff off the wax. I've used Tech Wax and Meguiars Yellow Hard Wax, let them cure, then a quick spray of either Meguiars Quick Detailer or Last Touch will make buffing off wax a breeze. Also worth mentioning that a microfibre is used for buffing. Hope this helps
  17. Calling admins...calling admins.... Can you please let the resident nurse know that all the crazy kids are off their meds and roaming freely... A debate about taste is a never ending one and we will never agree, just let him do what he wants and that's it. If you don't like it, then you don't like it. I don't like the thought of a show cage, but I wouldn't start taking the p155 because of it...
  18. That should be the sound of sweetness, seeing it's over 3000rpm. But I think wankel engines are different in sound to a V6 I'd assume.
  19. Only just seen this....keep my name out of this one... bet you voted though Nope, I have abstained respectfully. If you ask the admins nicely, they can show you who voted what, and you will find that my name won't show up in this vote.
  20. Only just seen this....keep my name out of this one...
  21. Shouldn't this be in Husky's presents thread? Who's gonna enter a sweepstakes on how long it will takes for Mrs.Biscuit to open the present, display a face of disgust and subsequently slap Mr.Biscuit into submission. I say 30 secs...if it even lasts that long
  22. I think nurrish is gonna fit a one off V6 hybrid engine that gives twice the power than standard, yet still gives you 50 mpg
  23. Are you saying that because a certain someone with absolute power also frequents these forums? Or have you been hanging out with the wrong type of girls?
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