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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. ...and now I can have the full CoD:MW2 experience, rofl But honestly, I bought these for working in the cold months.
  2. Everyday for me. Anyone wanna commision scottsoulby to make a CF snowplough?
  3. If the cooling plate ends up looking like this, then I might be interested. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... MEWAX%3AIT Important thing would be the raised part on the airfilter side
  4. Great work as always Tim. Were the headlights removed as part of the detailing process?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPQmzCgb1gI
  6. Thanks guys for the info. I know most of the laws and indicators for when to engage warpfactor Z, because I grew up over there. Just needed clearing up in tje stuff I needed on the Zed before setting off.
  7. Just posting up about my impending trip to Germany. Just a couple of questions (again) I know I need a Warning triangle, I know I need a Hi-vis vest (will take my hi-vis jacket from work), but what does one do about the headlamp adjusters? Are these those stick on things you put on the headlamps? If so, can you even stick them on a Zed? Or can I just get away being an ignorant brit? Someone also told me that my car must be identifiable as being from the UK, either by having the numberplated the the blue EU thing on the left with GB or a small GB sticker on the rear. Is that correct? Thanks all for your input. Did look up Green Flags website and found this amusing
  8. I bought my Volks from Envy South, excellent service. Arrived in the morning, went to local tyre fitters, fitted Volks, left my Rays at Envy South till I picked them up.
  9. Man, dass sieht ja geil aus. Ich bin bald auch in Deutschland, Freunde besuchen...freu mich schon auf die Autobahn, hehe. Gib gas und ducke dich vor den Bullen, haha
  10. Digsy, you seem to be a man that likes to voice his opinion. Nothing wrong with that. My original post does not intend to cause argument nor antagonism, but merely trying to see what the general consensus about my behaviour was. At no point in the original post did I mention anything about being hard done by. The original idea behind it was then to basically see whether most see me being worse, in which case I would change my ways and make an effort to conform a little more. However, whatever us posted after my original post by other members is beyond my control. If they start being argumentative and the thread escalates that way, that is something I cannot foresee or anticipate.
  11. Well, to let you know why I posted that joke, it was cos I saw it as a status update on one of my friends Status Update on Facebook, thus I added the post to the thread. How it can be seen as a personal attack, I have no idea to be honest. Banter comes in all shapes and sizes. The only other reason I can give for me creating this thread was that Beavis mentioned that I "don't want to learn" and perhaps want to get banned. Thus me making this thread to see if I am really that much worse than others on here.
  12. Even if I did apologize now, it would prolly be meaningless now, because it's run too far. I'll give you this tho, if Lucy is reading this, then I sincerly apologize if this has offended you. I find it quite sad that you jump to a conclusion about me being bored and just making a thread just to make an argument or pointless discussion. It's only because I told you once that I made the "I've had enough..." thread under such a premise. But how can that motive apply to this thread? I don't see it. I am actually interested what people are thinking, because obviously, people are "reporting" my posts, because the admin team seem to be on me because of this. I wanted to find out whether there was a large amount of substance behind it or not.
  13. And it would appear to be the case that it as. Mrs.Biscuit is indeed a member on here and it wasn't me who brought her into the discussion, it was rtbiscuit himself. The sausage jockey comments were not in relation you yourself or Louis, they were in a different thread altogether.
  14. No offense to rich5259, but posting on the thread "Wanted - car for my daughter" with "sound like a good swap, is she hot?" could also seen as offensive, after all we are talking about somebodys daughter here. Then also members that post about "sausage jockeys", "kicking Cheryl Coles backdoor in" and such is obviously non-offensive at all. But sorry, it just sounds odd that some can say stuff and others cannot.
  15. Why do I need to compare two different sites with each other, they are both selfcontained entities. On one hand people shun the other site, but then when it comes to stuff like this, I'm supposed to draw comparisons?
  16. It was only with the context of the thread. You yourself entered your wife into the discussion about said items of underwear, nobody else. In regards tot he gay pics...when's the last time I actually posted something up then? I was tempted to make a nice pice in the MPH thread where there is the pic of the Gay Classic Car Owner club, butI thought, Nah, that jokes pretty much dead now, so I left it alone.
  17. Just wanting to know basically. I'd just want to see hear the general consensus on me and was wondering if most of the community agree with the admins whether I am out of line most of the times or not. I'm only asking because my underwear thread got locked after my last reply on it.
  18. rtbiscuits wife buys crotchless undies......... Puts her leg up on sofa and says to hubby "'Want some of this?" Hubby replies "F**k off! Look what it's done to your knickers!!!!!!!!"
  20. Or you could build them into the front of the car, then if someone cuts you up, you could follow them to the next set of lights, turn them on, melt their tyres and then drive off laughing...
  21. Mini Mag Torch + DVD Burner = Burning Laser Pointer
  22. BulletMagnet


    whern did he leave ? where did he go? is on on nissan scroats now? Bit uncalled for...you been on there at all?
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