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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. I'm near Cologne, but only till Thursday the 17th. Afraid I can't make too much of a trek, thanks to internet thieves.
  2. Yeah, it's crap, but I tried looking on the brightside and ate three Reibekuchen and a portion of Bratkatoffel with a Frikadelle to console myself, lol
  3. Just been informed by the bank that the day before I cancelled my card, the thief did additional purchases of £200 and then £800, the latter being from O2 Online. So now I'm in Germany, with very very limited funds and no access to my account in anyway. I can't even go into a bank with my current Debit Card and passport (Lloyds TSB advisor told me this was possible). Tired Citibank, my friend here knows one of the account managers there, but even they couldn't help me. Tried two more banks but still with no joy. Only thing Lloyds could offer was to increase my overdraft so they could send me emergency funds via Western Union, but that comes with a hefty charge and I also don't want to run the risk of the thieves taking that also. All I can do is wait till I return and go to the bank the next day, because I have direct debits coming out the day after that. Merry forking christmas
  4. To the astonishment of all, underneath the Santa costume was in fact the easter bunny. "Ah.." he said, "I guess know you know what I do in the off season." "Awww..." said the blonde "A cute fluffy bunny wabbit! I got an outfit just like it, but it's just a bikini with a fluffy tail and a set of bunny ears" Bobby then asked "Do you happen to have that with you? be better than wearing that kettle..."
  5. Probably buying a shell suit or a hoodie - chavs That's gotta one hell of a bling bling shell suit for £501!!!!!!
  6. So it's Saturday morning...and I'm in bed sleeping...still in Germany. I get woken up by my mobile and it's showing "Blocked", I answer and it's my banks Fraud Detection department asking whether I spent £501 with Littlewoods the last few days. I reply that I don't shop with Littlewoods at all, upon which they proceed to block my card from further usage. Now should I need any cash while I'm over here (coming back next Thursday) I'll have to go into a bank and then tell them that my account was hackt and produce ID if I want to withdraw money. Damn internet thieves!!! I have changed all passwords to my internet banking and my bank is sending out a new card. Glad the bank caught it tho, but it's annoying nevertheless. Bullet
  7. But how do you know that it's not a stooge taking his place and the real head of MI6 looks totally different. You, they are MI6 afterall, so to make complete dossiers and identities should be a doddle. I mean look at the Aston Martin Vanish they made for James Bond, if they can make that, then god knows what their limits are...
  8. I might ducttape the cam to the rearview or something and drive the road again, hehe
  9. Not back yet, coming back on the 17th, hehe. Anyways, onward with my trip report.... Today, I took some time for myself to explore the Eifel roads that I only knew as a kid on a pushbike growing up. I went to a reservoir in Obermaubach first and then set off on my exploration, no set route, just seat of your pants driving... First from Obermaubach to Bergstein ...then further on to Zerkall ...from Zerkall then to Schwammenauel Reservoir (by the end of this section, I started playing with powerdrifting the hairpins. Because of the elevation changes, you can in some cases look down the road to see if anything is coming the other way before deciding to get frisky in the corners. After passing the reservoir I pushed on to Heimbach On this bit I was thoroughly enjoying hairpins, manically laughing everytime after the turn-in, boot it and countersteer sequence. Through Heimbach and on to Berg From there just an easy cruise home And here are some pics on the roads (mind you, I wonder who they are kidding with that 50kmh speed limit...)
  10. And here are some pics... On the way to the EuroTunnel France is over there...apparently Queing for the train 30mins later we finally get to board the train If the bungs had been out at this point, I would have seriously been tempted to do a tunnelrun Saw this in Belgium.....guess the women over there can't drive either
  11. Once the dust had settled, one could see Bobby Ewing clearing his lungs. As he cleared his throat from the soot, he gazed around the room, not recognizing his surroundings. He gave a sigh and said "Not another dream...."
  12. Here's the thread I made... viewtopic.php?f=62&t=23989
  13. Yeah, Ekona has a K1 also, and it was only when he was behind me did he hear a K1 first hand. His comment was "The sound of Hell and Thunder"
  14. I do shifts and either leave home at 6am or return at 6am....I just call it a community service, because I'm sure that nobody is late for work in my street. Just a shame that nobody works on the weekend tho, lol
  15. Nice! It's dcash5's american twin, just in a different colour.
  16. thanks much appreciated! Isn't that a bit of a slur round here now after Chesterfields experience? hmm i dont know quite how to take that tbh. I think it should be taken as the "Good Jaguar Design Ideas and Innovation" rather than "Money Grabbing Don't Give A Cr@p About Customers" Jaguar....
  17. Either have the hanger heated and bent or use an old trick with tyre valves on the hanger bungs like in the pic below. Should even it out.
  18. Seasonal Christmas multi colour scheme?
  19. It should not be resting on the subframe
  20. I wonder if Tiger ever dropped the line "Wanna see a Hole-in-one?" But seriously, this and the nonstop front page news of Kate Price are really not what I class as hardhitting, cutting edge news reporting.
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