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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Things like this have already been mandatory in Germany, like Autobahn driving, night driving and First Aid course. Without a completed First Aid course, you don't even get your first practical lesson.
  2. At least our distant cousins in the US ain't that much more clever...
  3. I just have the Dixcel Slotted up front and DBA 4000 on the rear, the Endless pads I have are the SSS version. Since I don't really track the car and it is my daily driver, I feel that my choices are more than adequate to deal with my braking needs, especially when I feel the need for spirited driving.
  4. If these prices are anything to go by, then I'd say that IMPUL ain't just some cheap tat.... http://www.z-store.co.uk/index.cfm?fuse ... ory_ID=251
  5. Let's just hope you have better luck fitting these ones, lol
  6. I also found that the gearbox is like that from cold, but fine once it's warm. I believe this is totally normal and probably more noticable now in these colder months.
  7. Personally, whenever something needs replacing, I tend to go for more uprated parts. My brakes were nearing the end of their lifespan, so I replaced them with Dixcel discs on the front, DBA discs on the rear and Endless pads all round. Compared to the OEM Brembo setup, the current brakes seem to stop the Zed faster.
  8. Perhaps a silly question, but why didn't you contemplate using a double gauge pod for the A-pillar?
  9. Learn to "ghostride" the Zed. On my trip back from Germany to the UK, I got coaught in the worst of it and it took me 18 hours to get back. Stick the Zed in 1st or 2nd, then gently lift the clutch, no throttle, maybe feather the clutch till you start moving. Once moving, resist the urge to step on the throttle, just let the Zed "ghostride" itself thru the snow and ice.
  10. Oh hi Amy, remember you from Snetterton. Gave you a card too after you made a nice comment about my car. Nice to see you on here. Good luck finding a Zed soon.
  11. You want snow Stew, you're welcome to it. Spent most of last night on the M20 and then on the A12. Folkestone to Ipswich in 8 hours, included spinning once on a exit ramp too, police was helpful with a shovel tho. Found that the "ghostriding" ability was very helpful for the Zed. Put in first or second, foot on brake and gently lift the clutch, no throttle, might need to feather the clutch a little, once moving, just ghostride. managed to ghostride in 3rd, lol
  12. Needs lowering and spacers...posibly a V2 bodykit too, lol
  13. Looks like things have taken a turn for the better. Just quickly checked my account online to see whether my wages this week have been gobbeled up by the impending process of the last two purchases. I was plesantly suprised to see that my latest wages had not been taken and that my balance is actually showing credit. Will still speak to my bank manager tomorrow, just to see what the situation is. Typical, everything becomes fine on the day that I am leaving to go home....
  14. also if they get too thin, they will fail to work, meaning you won't be able to stop properly, meaning you'll hit something eventually.
  15. To further console myself, I put 20 Euros worth of V-Power 100 Racing in the tank, joined the A4 and hit the limiter at 155mph on the unrestricted section.
  16. Be careful in May tho, especially during the eve of May the 1st, alot of young men carrying trees in the night along with beer to buy the daughters they fancy off the fathers, old tradition this part of Germany. Tree then gets put up outside the girls window for all to see for the duration of may, it's called the Maifest.
  17. I know I'm laughing at this (well nothing else I can do until I get back to the UK), but I hope I'll stil be able to laugh about this when I finally get back and visit my branch of Lloyds...
  18. Nah, only went for a blast on the Eifel roads a few days ago, was great fun.
  19. Nah, I'm actually visiting friends in Germany and then back home to the UK.
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