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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. I bought my PS3 brandnew and after just 3 weeks it died, I took the hard drive out, a Seagate 40GB one, and replaced it with a 120GB Samsung Spinpoint 2.5" hard drive. Ever since then, my PS3 hasn't missed a beat.
  2. After watching Family Guy - Something, Something, Something, Darkside, I guess it's only a matter of time that someone will call themselves Carlos Spicy Wiener
  3. I remember that they built some of the props in the Port Of Felixstowe before taking them out to sea to be mounted. Them things are mahoosive
  4. I don't suppose a gynacologist would show us his daily place of work, ROFL
  5. Handcream is obvious....all that slapping can dry ones hands out, so to keep the skin supple and moisturised, handcreme is essential.
  6. TK>? Team Kill, i.e. kill a player that is on your team
  7. Do you guys ever shout "GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!" when you get a call out?
  8. Just ring them and book bud Fundage is low atm, got roadtax this month and visitor to entertain next week, and I'm sure they'll either want a deposit or even the full payment, so no can do for now
  9. Thanks for that clarification Neil - yes it is for individuals to make their own booking. We are getting the names from Moreton Park about who has booked but of course we need to pair those the forum username hence why we have asked everyone who has booked to add their surnames Right, then take me back off the list then, thought this was a feeler to see if there was any interest in a group booking
  10. Just another quick question. What kind of discount are we expecting from a mass booking? Beavis? Thanks
  11. Guys at work made "snowballs"...that thing is 8ft tall too, haha
  12. why the guy thinks it was a good idea to design it like that is beyond me. Even the guys at American Chopper could do better than that...
  13. i know!!! The Jag looks like it's being......"violated"....
  14. No wonder the Jag looks angry and trying to get away....looks like it's being taken from behind Full story here http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=21315
  15. yeah, got back fine just kept to 40 mph on the A14
  16. Well, the port in their wisdom decided to keep us all there incase the weather got better....... Errrr.....I don't think so......but they finally caved in and let us go at 4pm (after we have been sat around since 6am) *You can see my Zoey parked in the middle, when I arrived she was clear of any snow....
  17. Me + Zed + trip back from Germany via Eurotunnel to East Anglia on the 17th Dec = 18hours Nuff said
  18. Is there a sweepstakes as to WHEN that button finally goes?
  19. 1. Beavis: Deluxe Room 22nd 2. Ebized: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd 3. Rich5259: Deluxe Room 21/22nd 4. DawnC: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd 5. Shire: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd 6. Nixy: Double Room 22nd 7. Markie: Double Room 22nd 8. Greekman: Deluxe Room 21/22nd 9. Chris`I: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd 10. Anubis: Double Room 22nd 11. Lincolnbaggie: Deluxe room 21/22/23rd 12. Neil (fakeindian): Deluxe room 22nd 13. AK350Z: Deluxe Room 22/23rd (Not superstitious! ) 14. H5: Double room 22nd 15. DontPanic (Dave) : Standard Room 22nd 16. BulletMagnet (Mark) : Deluxe Room 21st/22nd/23rd
  20. Just out of interest, it is this hotel, right? http://moretonhotel.moonfruit.co.uk/#/home/4535599290
  21. I see your truck drift and call you with a Tank Drift...
  22. Models name is Michelle Anderson, just took the info from the lower right corner of the pic and did a lil search... Here's a picture of the frontside....
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