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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Please tell more about the cameras!
  2. They replace the rear indicator cluster
  3. Looking at the parking style, one would assume you guys are chinese "Park and abandon...PARK AND ABANDON!!!!!"
  4. I remember my MAF sensor tube bit braking and the replacement part was with me within 48 hours, top bloke is an understatement
  5. There are more of me? Mind you, all we can offer is piggyback rides
  6. illdriveanyzed.com illdriveanyzed.com illdriveanyzed.com any any any, illdriveanyzed.com - any colour, any spec, any age, any mods, from fifty quid to a hundred grand. illdriveanyzed.com illdriveanyzed.com illdriveanyzed.com any any any any. illdriveanyzed.com - don't buy another car and give up sex, you won't get a better drive when you buy next. illdriveanyzed.com illdriveanyzed.com illdriveanyzed.com any any any any. illdriveanyzed.com - post me your keys at illdriveanyzed.com
  7. I can reveal that the 10 cent coin is the same size as 1 penny, hope that helps.
  8. Do you still have the boot weight installed?
  9. and an external feed to the memory for it so you could have it mounted in the front or rear and then just have it hooked to the mains battery and take the memory out when you wanted to get it to the computer...or even put the recording buttons inside so you could stop / start it from within the cabin of the car... husky husky husky! Next thing you'll want Husky to make a cable so you can have a video out attached to a headunit that allows rear view camera feed... I'd prefer the video feed be wireless TBH Why not then go the whole hog and develop the system so that you can attach a hard drive to it and also a broadcasting system, so then when you roll past some screens in shop windows, it shows your footage on the TVs, and when you finally get home, you simply push a button on the dash and the footage gets transferred to your media servers in the house, ready edited and named for ease of use
  10. and an external feed to the memory for it so you could have it mounted in the front or rear and then just have it hooked to the mains battery and take the memory out when you wanted to get it to the computer...or even put the recording buttons inside so you could stop / start it from within the cabin of the car... husky husky husky! Next thing you'll want Husky to make a cable so you can have a video out attached to a headunit that allows rear view camera feed...
  11. @ Husky or anyone else with leccy knowledge Wouldn't it be easier to snip the battery wires and make an external battery pack for it?
  12. I've called the trackday organisers and I've been told that there are no drive by noise tests at Mallory Park apparently there is just the static test if you are considered too loud when driving round. Might take the stock exhaust in the boot just in case Don't take the stock exhaust in the boot, just take the bungs and a rubber mallet, then you can fit the bungs in 5 mins to quieten it down. I found the best tool by far was a rolling pin Oh and for stubborn bungs that don't like removing, I found that a £14.99 Hilka Dentpuller from Screwfix comes in very handy
  13. I've called the trackday organisers and I've been told that there are no drive by noise tests at Mallory Park apparently there is just the static test if you are considered too loud when driving round. Might take the stock exhaust in the boot just in case Don't take the stock exhaust in the boot, just take the bungs and a rubber mallet, then you can fit the bungs in 5 mins to quieten it down.
  14. haha, hope you didn't then drive into a lamppost admiring the Lambo, lol
  15. Someone put a spotted card on that car, it's gotta be done, lol
  16. Doesn't Adrian K have one of these on his Zed?
  17. I've seen that front diffuser before..... Very nicely put together
  18. Didn't someone on here find a crisp bag in the airbox?
  19. if Abbey is within distance, then deffo use them, they also use nissan OEM consumables (oil filters, airfilters, ...)
  20. GH Metallica - One = 100% on medium / 95% on hard / not tried expert yet, cos I like to retain the use of my fingers
  21. All Jap imports don't have foglights, so it would most likely be the switch for that, since they get fitted over here as part of the SVA testing
  22. if its out of warranty i wouldn't bother with a dealer stamp. I'm supposed to have a P1 right about now, but gonna only look out for the P2/P3 ones and even then I won't go to the stealers. P1 is basically an oil change that I can do myself for about £80 less than what a stealer would ask, and my MOT will be done by my local garage which do know their stuff.
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