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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. If the police stop you in Deutschland without winter tyres, it's a €650 fine
  2. *spots original Optimus Prime toy in background*
  3. The side kickplate Z is the same size as the one on the strut cover. Broke mine and ZMANALEX had one (prolly has loads more) and was cheaper than £15 if I remember correctly.
  4. I'd keep looking tbh. Just cos it's only 15 miles away don't means it's ok to buy it because it's close. Be prepared to travel and look around. First Zed I looked at was 150 odd miles away and I walked away from it (Nissan Dealer) Ended up buying private (120 miles away) In this weather it should deffo be a buyers market, cos what is it to you if the dealer has a car on their forecourt they are struggling to sell. Makes no difference to you where you spend your money
  5. Just be careful. Drifting works if you have grip on the front tyres, not sure if drifting on all four tyres is the way to go tho....
  6. Ian was prolly in pre-SC fever, so his memory might have suffered damage, lol
  7. +1 on cold weather conditions. Happened to me once last winter, now I try not to use the washers with headlights on first thing in the morning. Usually do a last screen wash after the last drive of the day to keep it clear for the next day, just in case.
  8. Yeah, flicked thru it at my brothers and spotted it. Don't remember which page, but it's on a left page in the bottom left quarter (photos and a lil summary of it)
  9. Or even better.... Weld doors shut and do Dukes Of Hazzard style jump-in/out of car
  10. With all the mods still on it. At least it's getting a final curtain before it's eventually sold.
  11. Is it sad that I had tears in my eyes by the time I was on page 10? Is Beavis involved in this one?
  12. Gullwing + doors without window frames = No chance Suicide Lambo doors however....
  13. Indeed... Remember that vid of the Chinese army handgrenade training?
  14. Right, that's me NEVER driving in China EVER! lol
  15. The pattern (I think) is P1 P2 P1 P3 P1 P2 P1 P3. every second service is a P1 sercive intervals at either every 9000 miles or a year, whichever comes first
  16. Well done and congrats. Mind you, if he is running away from something, make sure you keep up
  17. You could do a seasonal thing and leave the grille black but add some x-mas lights going around the edge instead
  18. Very nice now clear out the fog light
  19. But then you would need a support vehicle to replenish your capsules constantly....
  20. Somebody was bored at stupid o' clock again, lol
  21. So timeline wise this is still before Tokyo Drift, because Han is still alive, but after 2 Fast 2 Furious, because Teg is also in it, but after Fast and Furious , because it continues after the ending of FF4 where they bust out Dominic from the prison bus. Which means they have a timemachine to bring in cars from the future. Only a minor glitch and I'll prolly still watch it, lol
  22. The G25/G27 is a tad too dear for GT5, because even tho GT5 Prologue did support the clutch pedal, GT5 does not. The Logitech Driving Force GT is more than adequate and it's the one used during the development of the game, so that's good enough for me
  23. what i mean is when you disregard the bottom edge and look at the centre, it nearly seems to be pointing towards you
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