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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. I mean you could always get them as winter wheels :lol:
  2. It states in the description that the manufacturer is Boss and that they are a one-piece wheel. Aren't Axis Pentas a two-piece wheel? So prolly Axis Penta "style", so any prospective bidder should do some research into the quality of these before commuting to buy. Just my 2p worth
  3. Maybe all the big german car manufacturers should join forces and co-own it, BMW, Mercedes, VW... I mean think about it, if they can commit millions into R&D for future cars (which they don't even know whether they become reality) then surely something can be done jointly. The Ring is part of the history of each car manufacturer (at least European ones)
  4. BMW should just buy it, with Sabine as the official spokesperson of the place. After all she has been always associated with The Ring and BMW throughout her career. Manufacturers and tuning companys the world over use the ring for testing and even people like us get to use it. I'm sure that even if all the other garnish fails, the Ring itself will still continue (hopefully under new management without delusions of grandure)
  5. I can't say that the navi has ever let me down, good piece of kit. If you upgrade the software it's even better. Don't remember if it has voice recognition or not, but the touchscreen does perform well when browsing for contacts. @ Dave Just done the update to 3.1 last night and put the Apple theme on the same SD card to save me doing two updates Deffo looks better and cleaner than the Blue Theme I've had on til now. Thanks for your help
  6. It is a theme that is on the avic411 site I sent you a link to, have a look in the completed mods section there are a few, some look gash though Ah thanks, I'll have a look
  7. I like that a lot. Is that a theme pack or something you came up with yourself?
  8. Only four bolts, two man job, prolly about 30min job
  9. Could you PM me details and guide please? Thank you Dave Mark
  10. Exactly, like I could wake up in the morning and start my car from my bed, I little reading revealed that you remove the chip from the key and place it into a transponder unit (or something similar) and it activates with the proximity system. It even comes with a keypad that can be put under the windscreen should your keyfob run out of battery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zapzB98O4Rc
  11. Hmm, I just thought it was interesting at first, but now.....I dunno, maybe next year sometime when I've had some "excess" overtime monies
  12. How much is it... not that I am thinking about it at all... According to the website $390 http://www.auto-innovatio.com/magento/s ... st800.html Also a bit of Q&A on my305z.com from the seller http://my350z.com/forum/exterior-and-in ... ystem.html
  13. I had a look at the specs and apparently you can program the chime that it emits. I think you could even turn it off altogether
  14. Looks like he added a complete system a month later. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-Em-CHCjR8 Including remote start http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGII7D-RThs I think it's pretty cool nonetheless tbh. Read that for manual cars, instead of putting the sensor wire on the park position, it's put on the handbrake instead. Just wondering, do regular auto Zeds require brake pedal to be pressed to start up, like us manual owners need to press the clutch?
  15. How hard or easy would this be to install? I mean it would need to be integrated into the security system and ECU and stuff. Any ideas? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRk9JjCby3A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIs9XeFJJPk&NR=1
  16. I had the HDD in my PS3 go after only having it for 3 weeks. Rather than go thru all the trouble of returning it, I just replaced the HDD with a bigger one and all has been fine. OEM drive was a Seagate and personally I don't like Seagate drives, replaced with a Samsung SpinPoint, which I am a great fan of
  17. Funny that Lexx, Operation Stack seems to upset the hauliers around here too, lol
  18. Good news and even better it all got sorted I hear that OS Giken have released a new gearbox this year for the 350Z, wouldn't want to know how much that one is tho, lol
  19. Get an AccuMate for charge and trickle, as it comes with a harness you can leave on the car and then just plug in the charger when neded without having to fuss about with the connections. http://www.optimate.co.uk/accumate.htm
  20. do they do cheap remoulded winter tyres?
  21. I lived in Germany from 1980 - 1995, so I knew also
  22. Better check whether or not it's illegal for you being a brit under UK law in another country. All I know is that several of my german friends confirm that it is a legal requirement to have winter tyres fitted to your car in germany during the winter months, hence why most drive around on steelies over there in the winter
  23. Welcome aboard All you need to know really is that for OEM parts you contact ZMANALEX or R35LEE for styling bits you contact Chilli Red or P15ULT General rule tho Needs spacers and lowering
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