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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. For me personally if it had to be an Alfa it would the Alfa 8C
  2. Then lost likely a build-up of rust on the surface, nothing to worry about. will go away after some more driving/braking
  3. You could buy TADDYs set of Finichis for £900... viewtopic.php?f=32&t=44615
  4. I can see you now already Stew in your new 4x4...bullhorns on bonnet, rifle rack mounted on rear window, lasso on bonnet and roofbar with four halogen lights monted on it....not forgetting you wearing your cowboy hat too,
  5. I see, cos I could race my wheels too. Just take one wheel up a hill, kick it and then run after it and see if I beat it down the hill
  6. I don't like it cos it's only got the head of the Alien, where is the tail? Where are the arms? It needs a NOS purge kit mounted into the nostrils too. Just the head...? might aswell be a redneck with a pick-up and bull horns on the bonnet
  7. As beautiful as some Alfas may be, I'm still sticking to my "It's either gotta be Jap or German"
  8. I think there might be a PT cruiser under there somewhere instead I think there might be a few missing braincells under there too
  9. Some members have had issues with DP Motorsport in the past, wrong tyre sizes, wrong offsets, customer aftercare not being really helpful at all etc.
  10. What part of Greece did you say you were from again?
  11. Lakeside Shopping Centre is closer than Bluewater and there is also a KK in Stansted Airport on the Check-In side
  12. I suppose if you have the Alien Queen baring down on you in your rear view, you'd prolly get out the way...
  13. Also check whether the inside brake pad has worn more than the outside one. Does happen sometimes
  14. Well...1993 - 2011...it's turned 18, grown up and moved on, good riddance
  15. TBH, as heart touching as the letter is, I think Kofi needs to sack his PA...the grammar is appauling and is clearly not up to the standards we'd expect.
  16. Hi Bullet, Dont think I can answer this one - but I'll throw out some thoughts: The feed to the courtesy lights is 3 wires (+, - & BCM feed). Its the BCM feed that does the fading & auto control. I cant remember if it outputs 12v for ON or 0V for ON, regardless the fade will be done by gradually increasing or decreasing the voltage output. So it will be the BCM output that you would need to tap into to have this feature elsewhere - whether you tap into it up at the cabin light mount, or down at the BCM connector itself. Only worry I would have in doing this is the possibility of increasing the likelihood of causing another burnt track. (I would imagine that the original problem I had was caused by excess current going through a weak spot on the PCB track). Adding additional lights & therefore drawing more current from the PCB may not be a great idea. I suppose you could add in additional circuitry to either protect the BCM output (using a fuse on the o/p) or use the BCM o/p as an input for to an additional fading control circuit, designed to use power for running the bulbs from elsewhere. Some of the other guys on here may be more up to speed with this sort of stuff & be able to comment. John +1 on everything John (good name btw ) said personally i'm going to have a separate circuit, the BCM just feels too sensitive to me to be fiddling with anymore. It makes sense that the excess current is what burned out the track, by my standards i would say the tracks width was under spec'ed. I did actually mean Husky John first (sorry), but hey, having two John's that know their electronic shizzle is even better So, basically what you are saying John(s), is that it would be better to come up with a seperate circuit altogether which is then activated by what? I'm such an imbecile when it comes to leccy stuff, but would really like to see the solution to this. If you were to "strengthen the track on the BCM first and then tapped into the circuit, would that be beneficial at all?
  17. It's cos I read on my350z.com how someone added exterior additional lighting by tapping into the dome light circuitry http://my350z.com/forum/exterior-and-in ... green.html Interested as to how and where he would/should tap for the door handle/puddle lights...
  18. So, John, if I decide not to replace the dome light bulbs and steer clear of shorting the circuit, but want to add a courtesey light elsewhere on the car with the fade effect, where would I tap into the system? Would I need to add certain resistors if I say for example wanted to add puddle lights that were in sync with the dome lights? Thanks
  19. So it the same principle as this?
  20. That would be R35LEE Steering Wheel Buttons: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=44078 A/C controls: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=44336
  21. IMO proximity alarms are intended to ward off car thieves, can't really imagine how useful it would be warding off other motorists in their cars, especially if they have the windows up and the stereo on, just a thought tho. Hope it all works out with the bodywork repairs
  22. Number Six and Number Eight were my favs
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