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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. I suppose given the colour, you guys and girls should be the Hitmen/Hitwomen of the Mafia
  2. Sadly, Clarkson is rather unimaginative when it came to the review of the GTO. If anybody has seen the video "Clarkson - The Italian Job", then you'll notice that he uses the same review nigh on word for word, even the "Not now Kato!" statement. Did enjoy the Top Gear Ashes tho
  3. Ah nice, every Mafia member should check in with a pic of their car
  4. Extra Special Yeah...even when you win...you're still a retard....
  5. Certainly looks good, really wish I had the cash right now. GLWTS
  6. Very nice car, I love the Amuse kit on the 370Z, not at all jealous
  7. Depending how cheap it ends up going for, buy it, strip it and sell whatever you don't need to ZMANALEX or R35LEE, unless they are bidding themselves
  8. About time too, guess you guys are the ones that show up late at a family meeting
  9. This has got to be a record setting thread resurrection Thread dies Nov 2006, revived Jan 2011
  10. Well, all I know is that some sort of agreement was made between Max Pisstakers and Amy, she didn't end up with the car in the end, prolly why it is now on eBay and it's not her selling it.
  11. Better work on your Marlon Brando voice then, haha
  12. She is glad that she's now put it behind her. She now drives a nice subtle Honda Del Sol, has sold the FTO and has recently bought herself a flat. She has retired from the show car building side of things, but will still attend most major ones.
  13. Perhaps we should all dress up as old skool gangsters at the next main carshow. Violin cases optional
  14. But then again, the Tug will not be able to go on land, so we are safe. Unless we start doing bankjobs on piers......mind you, Southend's Westcliff Casino is on the seafront.......Martins Eleven anyone?
  15. Thank god we ain't adding up the BHP figures
  16. For some reason I've been watching JFB vids on YouTube, which are pretty cool
  17. All Mafias are part of one big family
  18. Oh damn, this Mafia has SEAPOWER!!!
  19. How did the Ricer Bloke sneak in the list, play fair now guys
  20. Cannot afford just now, so another member is welcome to get dibs on it. Just wanted a ballpark figure for the item and source, which I have now for future reference, thank you
  21. Forgot The Yellow Mafia too, haha
  22. Nothing to get, it's just some fun
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