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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Double DIN is an industry size, so it should fit no probs (got a double DIN myself)
  2. Loving this thread Her belt is way too big...
  3. In addition to the door slamming is when they pull the interior door handle to open and then let it flick back from maximum extention....
  4. If you have any sort of iPod or iPhone, then I recommend the iPod cable to connect up with. Use my iPhone on mine and it's sweet as a nut. Music needs sorted, gets charged and no issues when receiving phone calls at all
  5. Now, isn't this a clever way to get you to buy......backpacks?!?!?!?!?!?
  6. Sadly, you'll have to understand that I cannot send you my centre cap.
  7. Sent you a PM back Dano Hacked in this case is not a bad thing If you can, try and find a Halfrauds or car audio shop that still have the F900BT on display and want to get rid. I was lucky enough to spot one in my local Halfrauds and it was on a managers special, guess they needed the space for newer models that were coming out. I paid £350 for mine boxed and nothing missing, add the various looms, boosters, ground loop isolators you'll need and iPod cable and you prolly have to add another £100 odd. Main thing during install is patience and being gentle with dash trim, other than that it should be pretty straight forward. Good luck with the shopping and install
  8. Mod your driving style to reduce the amount of braking and acceleration, but keeping a constant speed. During my Speed Awareness Course, I was set a challenge of driving thru a village and was given two conditions to follow. One was I was not allowed to stop and the other was I was only allowed one gear change. What it does to you as the driver is to be more aware of your surroundings and plan ahead, thus making your driving style smoother.
  9. That's right Dblock, Shire just did his, big brace and the smaller tie bars. viewtopic.php?f=100&t=45351
  10. Daily driver as it's my only car, bought about 2 years ago with 38K on the clock, now shoung 70K+
  11. Love this ad :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R55e-uHQna0
  12. Contact either R35LEE or ZMANALEX. They will make sure that you get a properly divorced unit (the OEM radio is "mated" to the car and if it isn't "divorced" will not work in any other car) Aftermarket headunit not an option? Plenty of choices out there that easily perform better than the standard unit
  13. I'm loving the wind at the mo....mainly when I am at work 45mph = Red lights on quay cranes = relaxy time
  14. Yeah, people that have the lighter fly and uprated clutch have more clutch chatter, so perfectly normal Have you thought of getting additional bracing for the underside to help the W brace, like the items from GT Spec or Summit? GT Spec brace Summit brace
  15. Nice vid, even tho some fake clips from virals found their way in, lol
  16. He really only hit him with the tip of his foot, so really just managed to reach, couple of inches shorter and it would have been "WTF is Pettis doing?!?!?"
  17. Yeah, saw that before, but it's like total fluke that hit, I mean c'mon. Yeah he's got an odd style of fighting, but put him against someone like Clay Guida with neverending cardio and see how he comes out of that.
  18. I enjoy watching it, not seen UFC126 yet, so no spoilers please
  19. MadMarky is running 20"s on his and I'm pretty sure it's ok, might be worth getting his opinion too
  20. I think perspective buyer should PM the seller, rather than waiting for a thread update
  21. BulletMagnet


    Like mentioned before, your budget seems a little "tight" for a staggered set of wheels, but that's just my personal opinion of course. Keep in mind that you have the rest of the car to fix up aswell. You don't want costs spiralling out of control just yet before the car has been restored to it's former glory.
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