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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. 245/35 on front 9.5x19 275/35 on rear 10.5x19
  2. Is he afraid of the passenger side? He don't need a handle that long, just walk round.....oh now I know why he has a belly, lazy fooker
  3. Very nice Replica or real HKS?
  4. Floor level motion activated lighting, so you don't walk into stuff when going to the loo in the middle of the night or a vacuum cleaner that is built into the walls and all you do it attach the suction hose and it automatically activates. Saw both these things in magicians Paul Daniels home on the telly once and thought they were quite cool
  5. Gonna keep an eye on this marzman Keep it updated
  6. If you want the appearance of a facelift, R35LEE does interior conversions to facelift, and I'm sure you could swap a facelift bumper onto the car. Should be doable, right? Then you should have some funds left to possibly do a S/C thing.
  7. does help letting the Zed warm up tho, once the temp gauge settles just under halfway, and the oil pressure settles around 60 - 70, then it's warm enough for spirited driving.
  8. Repost of a repost of a repost... The car has since been restored by another bodyshop and looks truly stunning and for an inside joke carries the numberplate "RUINED Z"
  9. Should do a trail of toiletpaper hanging from the exhaust...
  10. Banzai Magazine are doing a Charity event at The 8 Ball Diner in Witham Essex on May 7th. Anybody going? I'll prolly pop down for a couple of hours as it's close to me. Event starts at 2pm http://www.banzaimagazine.com/forums/th ... readID=238
  11. There's a guide over there... http://my350z.com/forum/repairing-and-d ... ost8048767
  12. It has to work in conjunction with the OEM alarm AFAIK EDIT: I think it's a stand alone system actually, but I cannot help but find holes it the setup http://my350z.com/forum/audio-and-video ... -350z.html If you read through it, it claims you don't need your keys anymore, totally keyless sytem, then it says you need a key in the barrel, but also claim that it cannot start the car as the transponder is missing from the key, but then also that you have to put the transponder into a RF immobilliser bypass module, so that the signal can be sent once the key is ACC position (which it already is to circumvent the steering lock). So in my head tells me, the transponder and key are there so the car can be started. even bypasses the need to put a foot on the clutch in the manual Zed. Just really don't know how "secure" this alarm system is. Oh and upon further digging, the whole system originates from Korea and is made by a company called DowonTec And that too And what about when you are out and about? Hand the control module over to a stranger? I was being sarcastic Damn internet not convaying this! You forgot the *sarcasm on* and *sarcasm off* bits
  13. And what about when you are out and about? Hand the control module over to a stranger?
  14. I replaced the battery on mine and it worked fine after. Check with your local Nissan Dealer, they ought to be of assistance.
  15. I have been keeping my eye on this over on the my350z.com forum. I like the idea, however do not like the fact that you need to cut a key off and leave it in the barrel to avoid steering lock and that you have to stick the transponder from the key near the barrel too. Which makes the security much more easier to overcome. I have already downloaded the installation instructions, which are for an auto Zed tho. No idea if you can link to the clutch pedal rather than the brake pedal instead for the manual Zed. Still on the fence about it, wouldn't install the keypad tho. One other thing my brother pointed out was, how do you check the car is locked once parked up as you are still in range of the proximity sensor and the alarm won't arm until you are a few paces away.
  16. Ah, but perhaps we didn't hear the whole story... He: I wonder what mod to go for next? She: How about getting me a nice pair of shoes for a change, you have spent far too much on this car He: Shoes? Good idea, needed new tyres might as well get new wheels! She: I meant shoes for me!!! He: You can get your own shoes She: I'll hold your car hostage!!! (holds cigarette in a threatening manner) He: You wouldn't dare! She: Watch Me! ... ...
  17. I'd like to see a vid of a machine polisher on a wrap, speed setting 5, lol
  18. Tbh, any weight saving I might have done has been made pointless by having me behind the wheel
  19. Tbh I don't know all the exact sizes, just know that for the removal of the OEM bolts I used a 12mm and 10mm socket/spanner, matched up the lengths with the ones in the kit and replaced one at a time.
  20. Is there a Zoo or Circus nearby you could ask for Lion Urine?
  21. Where are the "arty" nude shots then? I know everybody else is thinking it
  22. Abbey Motorsport are Tein Retailers and they can fit them too. Got mine fitted by them
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