Yeah, i had kerbed one of my Volks after having them done at Wheelgenie the first time, but a year down the line I didn't fancy going all the way to Huntingdon for the job.
So gave Wheelworx a chance.
When I picked up the wheel, they were honest and said sorry it took a few days longer, because they took three attempts to get it right.
I had left them another wheel for reference of the shade.
First attempt, they powdered the black base coat, and then did the shadow chrome finish, was too light, so they stripped and started from scratch.
Second attempt, black base went on, but texture looked off, stripped and back to scratch.
Third time they got it spot on.
Now either they work hard to achieve perfection, or they are incompetent so they required several attempts
But at least they were honest, so I would say the former.
They do mostly german based wheels, saw lots of BMW, Porsche, Mercedes and the usual aftermarket wheels seen on german cars, like BBS etc.