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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Yeah....I don't have stamps in my service book either, even forgot to get it stamped when I went to DMS for the last P3, but do do regular oil changes and other stuff, like belts and stuff
  2. I'd say tell the guy to sod off. It's like reverse timewasting without the tyre kicking...
  3. OI! But yeah, it's all word spinning and protecting the rich and wealthy. Remember the thing about fossil fuels runnig out, yet we still have airtravel, cargo ships, every petrol fuelled racing imaginable still going on.....
  4. Nope, just used a foam applicator and applied it like wax, i.e. thin coat as less is more. Buff off with a microfibre cloth
  5. Didn't notice the residue when buffing of the first layer, perhaps it does matter whether you apply it to a cool surface or not.
  6. Poorboys arrived today and after sun was low and wheels were cool, I applied the first layer, waited 20 mins to let it cure and buffed it off. Noticed already how slippery smooth it is and after buffing I applied another layer and am letting it cure overnight. Who said buffing in the morning is wrong, haha
  7. Ordered some Poorboys Wheel Sealant on PureKLAS recommendation. @marzman Another reason it took so long was that the polished lips were anodised and it was tough to get that layer off.
  8. Well, he is a rather busy fella, plus I told him I wasn't in a rush. But it was deffo worth the wait and I can say that you can entrust this man with your wheels.
  9. And they are back In the Zed ready for the trip home And back on the Zed where they belong
  10. Should have done it proper Tom Cruise style and gone inverted
  11. Simple answer is no it can't Yes you can , R35LEE does a swap over service at a price. In regards to the Nismo exhaust, unless you are a total brand whore, there are better and cheaper options, like a Milltek for about £300 less than a Nismo, which is around the £1200 mark. Maybe its best that you just get a Zed first and live with it for a bit first and see how it feels to you, and then get yourself to some club meets and see if you feel the urge to mod yours at all. Cos once you start, it's gonna be hard to stop.
  12. Latest update suggests pick up at end of this week
  13. Must have had balls of steel to do that. Bit also dumb as a donkey, not exactly a subtle car what with the bright orange wheels, full bodykit and Japspeed graphics all over the car. I hope Steve the owner sees it back in one piece. Keep an eye out on eBay for "special" scooby parts
  14. That's Luke Harman, a member on here
  15. I got exhaust gasket for free at local exhaust place
  16. The one I went to see had some panel gaps that made my mate and I wonder if it's had some sort of accident in it's history. They did agree that it was all going to get sorted before handing over of the keys, but I still had an odd feeling, thus walked away
  17. Auxiluary Video feed if headunit supports it (for reversing cameras and the like)
  18. No haven't tried nissan dealers, could they source one do you think? The first Zed I went to view was at a Nissan dealers in Bognor Regis and it was a dog, I guess it depends which dealer you go to as they seem to have variying standards as to what amounts to a "clean" car.
  19. Walk away, don't fall into the allure of a Zed you first see, I bought the third one I saw, i think or was it the second one....
  20. thankyou watched the new season on the net (only on in the US atm) its as good as it should be Season 6 isn't airing till later this year in the US, unless you mean you mean Season 5 of course....
  21. Take this from someone who knows...DO NOT USE ANY KIND OF CHEMICALS TO CLEAN THE LIPS Just carshampoo and water, nothing else and keep them sealed and guard them with your life! My first incident was with Bilberry.... And then kinda lost a bit of love for them and ran them over winter.... They are currently in rehab tho
  22. Just like any other oil change, remove oil filler cap, jack car up, remove sump plug, drain oil, change oil filter, replace sump plug, check filter and sump plug for tightness, lower car back to ground, fill with oil, check oil level, replace oil filler cap, done
  23. There's usually oil in there when you do an oilchange, so it's no biggie tbh. Just lift the car and and crack the sump plug and let enough oil trickle out so the level is within limits. Push the Zed onto the driveway/street if possible. Or do it after you have replaced them sparkplugs. FYI: Oil needed for oil change is 4.5 ltr without oilfilter change, 4.7 ltr with oilfilter change
  24. And make sure it's not a Jeremy Clarkson book.....
  25. Sorry, those are old pics from when they were new-ish. See, it pays to be snaphappy, lol
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