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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Nice, sometimes I hit the clutch when moving my foot over to the footrest, so this will be handy
  2. Not jailbroken, not tried DFU yet, will give that a bash. On night shift now so it'll have to wait till tomorrow. But, today I have noticed that the same is happening with my old iPhone 3GS, which I use as the Zeds jukebox, fails to backup also.
  3. Really need some help here, until about a month ago, my iPhone would happily sync and backup in iTunes without a problem. Recently however it now refuses to backup, and since syncing also involves a backup, I'm kinda out of luck there too. When backing up it will either give me the striped bar for a few secs and then give me an error saying "Could not back iPhone up because session could not be started" Or I get the striped bar, which then turns into the progress bar but then stops after like 5% saying "could not backup iPhone because backup could not be saved on this computer" Or I get to the progress bar and it progresses to about 80% and just hangs. I have since done the following - reinstalled iTunes - deleted the Backup folder in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup - deleted the preference file for iTunes - synced contacts with Outlook (dunno how it even completed, did throw a backup error tho) and did a FW restore on the iPhone I really don't know what else could be the cause. I'm running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit and iTunes 10.4.10 and the iPhone is on 4.3.5 As it is now I have uninstalled everything Apple on the PC and will also delete anything relating to iTunes, i.e. all the iTunes Library and playlists, basically going for a fresh install of everything Apple. Anybody got any other ideas? Thanks
  4. What colours will the Reliant Robin come in and who is producing the bodykit?
  5. Mark - you made me LOL in the middle of silent office Then my work is done :lol: I think that stuck cos I watched "Your Highness" the other day, hilarious film
  6. Don't forget the "DING DONG" door bell chime, haha
  7. £2K for just the spoiler?!?!?!?! What is it made of? Unicorn hair woven into a CF weave and resin cast from Minotaur jizz?
  8. Wouldn't mind that rear spoiler tho. How much for one of them?
  9. You sellin the iPad? How much? Steve Jobs = iSick , prolly the real reason for stepping down.
  10. Easy to answer that A woman parked it there So how exactly did you manage to park it there again.....?
  11. I've snowfoamed a PVC roof of an extension from a first floor bedroom window before....
  12. Plus the fact that a pressure washer comes in handy for other tasks like patio cleaning and stuff
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzjjYsyMtvk
  14. Funny how Wonder Wheels is best used NOT on wheels, lol
  15. Mine was ever so slightly better than 'very soapy water'. I was pretty happy with it. But for £8 of the Queen's finest instead of having to buy a pressure washer and lance gubbins etc, and the faff of a pressure washer, 'tis great. Prefer this tho... Once you can say "Also available in white" thats when you are using snowfoam right. If you get only slightly better than soapy water, then there is no need for you to buy snowfoam at all. It's a waste of your money and you'll get the same result if you just used car shampoo instead. Just my opinion tho
  16. Looking at the customer submitted pics at the bottom of the page (1st link), it seems to just make soapy water, not really the thick foam that you get with a pressure washer / foamlance setup
  17. I got a pair of Falken 452's, 245/35 R19, camber wear, still got about 4mm in centre and one shoulder.
  18. It is an interesting item for sure, if only I was having my bumper resprayed right now...
  19. You were the one getting the volk sf's right? In which case. DON'T for the love of gord use polish. Just use a gentle shampoo + wax otherwise you'll ruin them. That is me getting the SF's Don't worry, I know all about Volks and the lacquer they use on the polished lip. A garage washed my car and very kindly ruined the GT-C's on my Supra Since the set of SF's you are getting off Goat Of Mendez have already been refurbed with a diamond cut finish and properly lacquered it's not going to be a sensitive as the original Volk anodised finish. Although caution should still apply. Just wash as normal with car shampoo and protect with Rim Wax or Poorboys Wheel Sealant, using Poorboys myself and couldn't be happier (and this is on bare polished metal on my Volks)
  20. Hope it arrived undamaged, didn't know if I used enough bubblewrap, haha
  21. Talcum Powder Check if the belts are more slack than they are supposed to be and if there seem worn or not. You could PM ZMALALEX for some Gates MicroV replacements
  22. You could ask the installers TDI (Torque Developments International) themselves or Abbey Motorsport for their opinions on the matter
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