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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Right, just about to arrive in Chicago... PSN ID: Briareos88
  2. Ok, so who wants to sign up for the first Bicycle Incapacitation Society We kindly open doors for cyclists...to ride into. We happily pass them a spanner...into the spokes. We gladly give them a push...with our bumpers.
  3. I went for single LED ones, which are not too bright. They were free from my bro who had some spare
  4. Isn't lamby selling his azure one for £6500? Check for sale section, car is in Newcastle
  5. My bro has the AEM EMS in his SC'd Celica and is very pleased with it. That was until his auto box decided to get stroppy and stopped playing with the rest of the car. Currently transferring everything from the old car to another Celica with a manual box. He is so impressed by the tuneability of the AEM.
  6. If you want to use any form of transport on the road, you should pay road tax. The tax disc on motorbikes clearly states "Bicycle". So clearly.... :)
  7. Ask a friend with a horse to ride in front of them and poo in their face
  8. Not really cycling related, but more about some peoples level of self importance. My mate drives a delivery van for a living and was due to make a delivery to a warehouse in London Centre. He arrives at the location and is told to deliver to the rear of the building. He decides to reverse towards the loading bay as there was no room to turn around. Whilst approaching the loading bay and literally a couple of feet away, he sees a guy standing in the way and slows. Then the guy just shouts at him "OI! You f@#%ing stupid or what?!? I'm standing here waiting for a cab!". My mate gets out, he chinese by the way, and replies in a thick Essex accent. "No need to swear mate. But let me ask you something. Are YOU stupid? You see a van approaching, so are stood in an area that looks like a loading bay, there is writing on the wall saying 'LOADING BAY', you could have just moved a few steps out of the way" Guy has totally red faced and struggling for a reply while security had a good old chuckle. :lol:
  9. I didn't like NFS Undercover tho, was plagued by glitchiy loading during play, which ruined it
  10. Might have to purchase this, played the downloadable demo and liked what i saw.
  11. crikey !! ill look into this!!!! i have seen other engine covers and inside bonnets and all sorts with this painted on! i didnt know its true meaning.... hmm well its a bit late now.... and i like the cover..... i hope no one at a car show gets offended! hopefully theyll just think "she doesnt probably know the meaning of it!?" which infact is true then! owwh that is a shame!!! I wouldn't worry too much, I still have my rising sun support stick propped up in my living room, no one else knows what it means really. If you personally don't have a problem with it then its fine if someone else does, then that's something they need to deal with, I didn't throw my flag away because my mate was offended by it. Have a read up on it, always good to prop up your knowledge on history, heck if someone does say something at a car show at least you can talk in an informed manner about it! Very true- ill do some reading and if anyone says anything ill shock them with my knowledge on it- ill say i found after after... which will be the truth if it offends me ill repaint it- however i doubt that will happen! off to google it all! ................... If we were that fussy about the rising sun flag, then we better hand in all of our www.350z-uk.com charity wristbands. :lol: Seriously, it's all about context. Doubt anybody that sees that will think of the bloody occupation of China were many thousands of my people were slaughtered.
  12. Do you have to convert video files to a certain format for them to work on the iOS then? Doesnt it play stuff like divx and xvid as standard? Handy to know as the missus is on about putting Glee on her iphone. (sigh!) If you have them in mp4 format then it will work with apple iOS, any other format will need to be converted. The VLC player does play .avi and .mkv files without needing to convert
  13. Funny thing, I was in Frankfurt yesterday, well the airport really.
  14. Glad that I grabbed VLC Player for iOS when I did. Shame they took it off the Apps list cos its really handy for .avi files without the need to convert them
  15. Well, after all the suggestions, we went to The Kings Wark in Leith. And my was that a good choice. Being Sunday, I chose the Slow Braised Beef. It was heavenly, the meat just fell apart and melted in your mouth. No wonder then that this place has won awards for its food
  16. rtbiscuit showed me samples from Hexis including croc skin, sequins, multicolour, wood finishes, CF and standard solid and metallics
  17. Looks like your feeding your Zed WKD Blue
  18. I stand corrected then... And CS is one of the best traders to get them from
  19. If you wanna drop that low, you'll have to go with coilovers, save your pennys as springs won't go that low, i think Eibach are the lowest spring at 20mm
  20. Still nobody warming up to the sequinned wrap?
  21. What about a Transwarp core used by The Borg?
  22. Sik jaw fan mey, ar? Lol, fellow chink here, parents from HK, but born in UK
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