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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Just be aware what name you chose when introducing yourself to female members of the club :lol:
  2. I'm gonna start offering UFO collision insurance....only one off payment of £1000. In case of collision there needs to be proof it was a UFO, even better if you can name starship class and planet of origin....
  3. I think one day, I will make a pilgrimage to the hallowed grounds of the Zed Shed and stand in awe of it's magnificence
  4. And they should look better too for the premium you pay for them...
  5. If the aim is just to beat M3's in a straight line on motorways (however childish it is to me personally), Just install nitrous and be done with it, then you could destroy at a flick of a switch and feel so much more like Brian O'Connor. And get a buddy to sit next to you and say "Smoke 'Em". Just saying you know, why do you feel like you have to beat them? Why feel bad when they "beat" you? Do you know them personally? Does it matter that much? Does it take away from the enjoyment of the Zed?
  6. @*!# on a stick dude!!! Hope it all turns out alright for you. I can relate cos I was in a similar position these two months just gone. Got suspended November, dismissed in December, appealed in January. Won appeal and got job back.
  7. Which part of the Zed did you clean with beer? Looking good
  8. I was only thinking along the lines that if you were interested in the 350Z specific, then no mag would be really helpful, since they cover all jap makes and models. So the likelyhood of a regular 350Z appearing within those mags is gonna be slim. Unless of course you like all things jap, then sure go for a subscription. Best get yourself down to a WHSmith and browse thru any mags before purchase so you can make a better opinion for yourself.
  9. You could try their respective websites and see some of their sample articles I suppose, saves you from buying anything. Plus you could order the back issues that have 350Zs featured
  10. And I never got to see a pic of you hitting 100K miles...... YOU PROMISED!!!!!
  11. Why not try the iPod hack to the cassette deck option? I mean it's prolly the cheapest solution out there
  12. Keep an eye on news surrounding The Ring tho. Latest reports indicate a reduction of tourist days. Suggested May dates seem to be unaffected so far tho.
  13. I clicked on the next vid, the one with the 1250whp Lambo, nice airbags is all I can say
  14. BUT WAIT!!!! Val, just use metal polish, it will do the same and will cost you less money and you can polish metal bits like exhaust tips too. Read over here viewtopic.php?f=22&t=47592&hilit=headlight+clean
  15. Thought they where Riks? Yeah, cos he started doing that diamond pattern, but then realised that this person in the above ad is located in Ireland.........unless Rik moved there....
  16. My spidey sense is tingling.... Will update if I am right... EDIT: Ok nvm, false alarm
  17. Good choice Shouldnt be rougher mat be a little bit noisy at tickover - I have to say I don't notice with my lightweight fly - but I can't hear much above the screams of the SC anyway! Hope the garage sorts you properly thanks mate. supercharged you say so wanna swap cars. I know I tempting you I bet its nice with a bit thrust on the 350z Seeing that you put your occupation as "fast driver", I bet you'd be back on here asking about the cost of a new diff, which tyres to pick, gear box rebuilds......
  18. That image of Gillian McKeith mus be really horrendous, I get the "403 Forbidden" error
  19. To give you a rough idea, when my mate had his Zed, his clutch started to slip so he went for an uprated Exedy clutch and a lighter Fidanza flywheel. Total cost including fitting was around £800 - £900 if i remember rightly, could be wrong tho. Car was raised up to remove driveshaft, gearbox dropped out to access the clutch/flywheel, so it's labor intensive
  20. I feel cheated now, my UK GT didn't come with a GT bodykit.........
  21. Well, you could get a carbon clutch, but they cost £1100 just for the part
  22. Personally I'd go for hex, plus I have learnt over the years that when you buy tools, it's worth paying for quality tools. Buy cheap, buy twice (or more) And I doubt that flared spanners are gonna last long when encountering seized nuts & bolts.
  23. I'd rather have the Boba Fett helmet, handy for driving "urgently" in camera rich environments
  24. Well, I was amused when I read that some main supporters of the SOPA and PIPA bill within the US Senate withdrew their support. And after the US Department of Defense actioned the shut down of Megaupload, which HQ is in Hong Kong, had the order for arresting a dutch citizen on New Zealand soil granted, that then Anonymous stepped in and shut down the DoD, FBI, RIAA and MIAA as an act of retaliation. This is why SOPA and PIPA are such bad things. Also, there are already laws in place regarding copyright infringement, it's just that the "money people" in the background want to see more enforcement, and using SOPA and PIPA in such sneaky ways is dangerous. Hence why those supporters withdrew once they realised, even Sony withdrew their support, amongst other big name corporations
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