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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. This is how I found my Zed after my nightshift Upon arriving at my street Back on my drive Varis Snow Plough works well :lol: I am happy to say that the Nankang SV-2 snow tyres performed faultlessly. Didn't get out of shape at all, only when I booted to see when it would actually break traction, and even then once off throttle again it was back to normal, no sliding, no drama
  2. Just be sure to protect them lips on the Volks.
  3. I'm currently at work on a nightshift and the snow is coming down nicely. Finally a chance to give the snow tyres a proper test. The Zed is fine in the snow, drove back from Germany once in thick snow on Rays with RE040's on. Did take me 18 hours for the whole trip home tho :lol:
  4. I too viewed my first potential Zed at a dealers and was disappointed. Ended up buying privately and got a well looked after example
  5. Looks like that thing they do to make stuff look like a diorama shot, dunno the technical term tho
  6. I hope you practiced your best Sean Connery accent for the Alcatraz visit. You need to say "Welcome to The Rock" like every 10 mins, haha
  7. If you hot send it for data extraction, then it's gonna be expensive, they charge by the GB
  8. If the hard drive has not sustained any physical damage then it might be possible to put it in an external drive caddy and extract the files.
  9. I'll let her know that you posted a PM
  10. Someone send frogspeed int the link :lol:
  11. Thats even low for 'mates rates' I think all the Garages near Biscuit normally work on Tractors and get paid with bales of straw Oi! Easy...easy fella, I'm from the same neck of the woods, ok. And I'll have you know we work on combine harvesters, not tractors...
  12. Frogspeed, honestly, how old are you? Your posts read like they are written by a teenager. How can anybody make sense if that?
  13. Take ya a long time to drive over there ,seen more power in an Anadin than that thing Can imagine your car looking like some thing that has had a RTA with Halfwhits store Judging by your recomendations You should do a search of Ian's posts, you might be suprised what turns up. Especially posts regarding his own build. Don't go off assuming stuff, it could bite you in the bum and be quite embarrassing for you.
  14. He reverted back to standard, right? Still think Keyser would be faster
  15. You know what, I give up. Even if you didn't know anything about 350Z's, just typing in "350Z wide body kit" into Google would yield a number of hits. If you are as good as you say you are, then you wouldn't have promised a "client" that you could take the job to a deadline. Take a step back and re read what you wrote, digest it and read it again but see it as if it's posted by somebody else, see if you think you would like to be to spoken like that. Don't pass judgement on people you don't even know, don't assume. Perhaps you can learn from this and next time when taking a job for a car you don't know much about do some research and then inform the client how long its going to take in realistic terms. In regards to your question on the car in the "Post your fav wheels" thread page 4, That will be madmarkys car, but that's the Veilside kit without widearch and the front wings are vented items made by Border, quite rare in the UK, expect to pay a premium for them as they will have to be imported from either Japan or the US. You could check out z1automotive, they stock a variety of kits, but again, they are based in the US. SumoPower are based in the UK, see what they have. As far as I know, following companies have made widebody kits: Veilside Do-Luck D.A.M.D. Top Secret
  16. Well maybe it's a good idea if the painting is delayed until you can source a kit of decent quality. If you don't want crap fit then it will be worth the wait. Don't rush it
  17. That's harsh Ian. Funny.....but harsh :lol:
  18. Excuse me for stating the obvious, but didn't you think to source the kit BEFORE booking the painter? If you want genuine, then you probably have to order from Japan or the USA, which means a few weeks wait at least. If you want a replica, try someone like Aerokit, but personally don't know what their reputation is like. Otherwise hit eBay and keep your fingers crossed that you might find something close to you that you can pick up. Sadly, I doubt any supplier can "overnight parts from Japan" like in the movies.
  19. Can't believe it, and I even posted on that thread too, lol
  20. I really have to ask tho, did you have a dream and it said "If you build it, they will come."
  21. NeilP and rtbiscuit, I know a laundrette by the name of PM. You should both visit and settle there with this. It's going more and more off topic between you two, so please respect the OP and stay relevant.
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