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Everything posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Looks alright in first glance. Recycling the harddrives I take it then? Not a bad idea to be honest, I did the same. Until SSDs become more affordable that is
  2. £160?!?!? You do know that for the amount they are gonna cover they'll just about buy materials for £60. And the beauty of vinyl is that if you mess up you can just pull it off and relay the piece again, no material wastage at all. Do yourself a favour and measure roughly how much you need allowing for a bit of excess aroun the edges. Pop rtbiscuit a PM asking how much it's gonna cost and save yourself some monies. Plus you learn a new skill, really it is a lot simpler than you think, all you need is patience and a hairdryer.
  3. Bought a large-ish sheet of Hexis CF vinyl off rtbiscuit recently to mod the interior of my PC case. Still had lots left over and am now wrapping bits on the Zed. Did the B-Pillars a couple of days ago, took like 20 mins, including removal and refitting, it seriously is that simple. If I remember correctly, it was a sheet of 100cm x 150cm, so plenty to cover other bits. Contemplating re-doing the centre console to replace the 3M Di-NOC stuff.
  4. Came to this thread late and it's been an interesting read. I'm still very much a PC enthusiast and gamer with BF3 being my game of choice. SLI GTX480's work very well and give almost double the performance depending on the resolution and game. SLI didn't start well, but now I think it's well worth considering. Oh and +1 for a self build as you have more control over the components. It does not "almost double" the performance, it does however do a double kill on your wallet and guess who is laughing all the way to the bank, especially that once you spent it, they lure you with newer cards within 3 months time.....
  5. Nope, you'll have to have the CS rear bumper, because it was designed to fit that specifically (has a recess that the diffuser fits into)
  6. I had one of them 7950 GX2 cards, basically two cards in one kind of thing, that thing got loud once it built up heat, haha
  7. I know Dave, that is very true. I did learn from my error tho, back when I built my first W/C rig I went with two 8800GTS in SLi and it cost me £700 in GFX alone, never mind the EVGA mobo (£190), Q6600 (£150), 4GB RAM (£100), watercooling gear (£350), various HDDs totaling 4TB storage (£???),850W PSU (£90) and a Lian Li V2000 (£200) to stick it all in Clearly that was a time before I had the Zed
  8. SLi is stupid, had it before and it does not split the load evenly between cards, one ard would run 100% with the other kicking in wen needed. can't comment on Crossfire.
  9. +1 well it was £450 but got it for £200 But really no need to upgrade from a GTX480 just yet. Unless you want to play Battlefield 3 with all the bells and whistles... Thank god I'm a CoD guy
  10. Just make sure the memory card has te correct transfer speed otherwise it won't record any video. Class 10 should be fine tho.
  11. Do I see the back end of a RPG in that pic?
  12. My GFX card alone cost me £450, and it's out of date again....
  13. I like ICS, got one myself, but haven't played in a long while. Converted ICS M4 with G&P floating front, crane stock, uprated spring, ready mag system and ACOG scope
  14. My recent upgrade of CPU, RAM and mobo cost me £430. i5 2500K 16GB RAM Asus P67 mobo Previously ran Intel Q6600 Quad overclocked to 3.0 Ghz 4GB RAM EVGA 780i mobo
  15. You could spec up the hardware in an eBay machine and see if the sum of parts is cheaper and then.self build.
  16. My preference is building one, but then I would go for a higher budget if you want a half decent rig that can play games for the next couple of years. It also depends what else you expect it to do and how well it does it. Decent power supply is a must in my opinion.
  17. Mind you, I'll be willing to wait and see what Tarmac can provide once he has a CF fabricator
  18. I know I'll prolly get flamed for this, but my brother just bought a set of XXR 527 wheels in 18" for his Celica. Paid just under £700 for 5 wheels without rubber. They seem to be a popular choice for people on a budget and don't do any tracktime.
  19. But honestly tho, if the theory of Top Gear is anything to go by, then perhaps in a few years, the CF goods may well be acceptable in fit and finish.....not holding my breath tho.
  20. Seeing it's from China, I wonder if the quality would be up to par?
  21. If Microsofts track record is anything to go by, then Windows 8 will be epic fail. It's always every other OS they bring out is any good. WinME = Bad WinXP = Good Vista = Bad Win7 = Good Win8 = ??? (but prolly bad, lol)
  22. It might be Cranberry & Vodka Yes, those are indeed fillport lines. One loop for CPU, one loop for GPU
  23. Win7 here, since I cannot play FPS games on a console at all, grew up on CS 1.3 and it's become second nature to use keyboard and mouse instead of a game pad. Also for my requirements I need an OS that can handle singular files larger than 4GB Recently did a mini upgrade on my PC with also involved using Hexis vinyl From this: To this: Asus P67 Sabertooth motherboard Intel i5 2500K CPU 16GB Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz RAM EVGA GTX470 HydroCopper graphics card Personally I find it looks just as sexy as an iMac
  24. Doesn't work on all models though, I have a cup holder there...
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