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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. Especially like how the silhouette of the new Recaros follow the lines of the door frame. Looks so OEM+ that to those not in the know, they would never guess it didn't leave the factory like that 👍
  2. That bottom pic with the neons on ........oh my days
  3. Imagine if they could recreate this intro with REAL cars for the movie intro..... Still gives me goosebumps after more than 25 years
  4. I'm pretty lucky with my 2 favourite LSPs. Fusso and Turtle Wax Hybrid spray sealant are very chemical resistant. I've been doing touchless washes like this for a few summers now This was my first test lasting 6 weeks and 6 washes. I swapped from the Powermaxed Jetwash and Wax to Traffic Film Remover when it ran out. Not much difference between the two the way I use them. Here Forensic Detailing found some LSPs like Fusso are so detergent resistant even Fairy Liquid or acidic Wonder Wheels doesn't strip it. Jump to 18:20 for his conclusion I'm sure organic Carnauba wax would strip off alot easier with TFR though so I would definitely agree others follow your advice and caution before using it
  5. Summer is coming😎 .......and so is the dreaded treesap. I have to park under sycamore trees at work. The amount of blossom and tree sap hitting my car at the moment is unreal. Had a good clean Bank Holiday Monday. After 2 days at work my car was a sticky mess. Looked like someone had sprayed lacquer with my car sat 5 ft away covered in overspray. Luckily it'd been coated in Soft99 Fusso a few weeks ago for Japfest. So this evening I used a pump sprayer and coated it with Powermaxed Traffic Film Remover. Then just jetrinse it. Surface was smooth and sap free. As it was a quick touchless wash I used my corded leafblower. As dry as using a drying towel and just as fast. Admittedly, from past experience water doesn't blow off as fast if the LSP is months old but I'll let the video evidence do the talking for this cheap blower.
  6. Welcome to the OC Your Nismo looks amazing. A very special car indeed I can highly recommend coming along to the 20th anniversary Zed meet on 29th May. There should definitely be a fair few Nismo 370s there. Come and see what different mods look and sound like and meet fellow members. Maybe even come to the pre meet and convoy down to the event en masse.......can't beat the sound of dozens of Zeds rumbling along in unison
  7. I'm liking the wheels so much more now the centers are this colour. Must be a labour of love maintaining the lips but SO SO worth it.
  8. I polished them up then wrapped them. I posted a thread on here about it but the search facility doesn't like me and I can't find it
  9. Once you've polished your headlights, don't bother with wax, sealants, Gtechniq C4 ceramic coating, Meguars Headlight lacquer.......they ALL fail after 1 summer at most. Others have had proper clearcoat sprayed on For me a clear vinyl wrap has survived 2 harsh summers effortlessly.
  10. Was so shattered on the day I had to take a 30min nap at the service station on my return journey. Only met @AndyJames once before and that was Japfest '22! Cheers again Andy and all the other members who joined our stand.
  11. Don't forget to print off your rear view mirror hangtags everyone. See some of you at Leicester Forest East services and the rest of you on the club stand
  12. That system will attach to the Y-piipe nearer the front of the car so is a half system. Most 350z exhaust systems fail first at the flange connecting the back box/silencer to the mid pipe. Mine failed when my car hit about 15 years of age. As I had also scraped the flexi joints on the Y-pipe I decided to change that out too for a Scorpion y pipe. SO SO wish I'd done it when I first got the Z way back in 2005 as it sounds so much better The tailpipes look almost identical to OEM bar being a little bigger.......but that's a good thing
  13. I'm happy with the DIY results. More than 95% better. £11.50 RainX kit did the trick
  14. Always the way. Japfest just a couple weeks away and I got hit by a stone 9n the motorway This RainX kit looks good from the YouTube video. What are people's thoughts?
  15. £15 each is verging on FREENESS considering R8 tax! WINNING
  16. I bought new boot popper springs from www.opentop.fr over 2 years ago. They were a little loose fitting meaning I almost lost one recently. So I added a few layers of nitrile glove under the washer and all was well and snug. Out of the blue , Nico from OPENTOP sente a message saying he was sad to hear of my experience. He asked for photos and then sent me a pair of his new batch of poppers free the next day along with some accessories to refurb the old ones. Never heard of after sales service like this before. New springs are snug as a bug, and the old ones looking like new too. Hats off to Nico at OPENTOP. Definitely gets high praise from me
  17. @Rhysos That is truly shocking. More shocking that this has been such a common recurring theme reported by many other Nismo owners. All those years with an underperforming suspension set-up. What a waste. Glad you've got it finally sorted.
  18. Revisited one of the car park I used the day I lost my popper and saw this amongst the leaves......
  19. Awesome restoration. Now it's looking so fresh, what are your plans for it?
  20. You need to post up your favourite pic of your purple 370z too for old times sake
  21. Congratulations on getting yourself a Zed. Don't forget to heat up the cabin and roof thoroughly on a cold day before dropping the roof.
  22. PM @Tauvp Was chatting with him last week and he mentioned his garage was very "friendly" and he's Milton Keynes based
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