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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. Welcome to the OC A fellow 2005 DE owner here. I know what you mean about a bit more in running costs, I literally just put in £80 of V Power But the joy it brings is priceless. I find myself staying in lower gears just to hear it sing to me as the revs pass 4k. Does mean only getting about 18mpg
  2. Looking even better now, but it was a defective sheet to begin with so I'll redo when I get more supplies.
  3. That's a great tip thanks I used one teaspoon of Johnson's baby shampoo to 750ml water. I didn't even cheap out and buy Tesco's own brand I'll be ordering another 4 pieces and I'm pretty confident I'll nail it now
  4. That reminds me of an old joke, but I'll have to post that in the "green room"
  5. I bet alot of neighbours secretly looked on with admiration at your skills with a spanner. You'll probably be the go to neighbour for advice if any of their cars won't start.
  6. So I didn't rip the wrap off and thought I'd take Davey's advice. This morning there's a big difference. Pics show last night Vs this morning
  7. I did some digging on the subject late last night and found this
  8. I've never been to the motor museum before so it'll be killing 2 birds with one stone. Let us know when we have to pay for the tickets
  9. ^you tease........is that all we're getting You must be buzzing. Congratulations on your new acquisition
  10. I was wetting underneath and ontop every 30 seconds or so.
  11. This last roll had some creases in it but I thought I'd use it up to practice with. You can see the row of perfectly straight lines. Hopefully these disappear with time. If not no biggy as it can be peeled off.
  12. Just finished my 4th attempt of the day. I finally have to admit defeat. I've run out of film anyway I'm pretty sure it's because I'm taking too long and the adhesive doesn't like being repeatedly squeegeed. Didn't even peel off to reposition at all this time, holding the heat gun between my knees and using 2 hands to stretch round the bottom left corner.
  13. Is it me or the material? I get this milky cloudiness and this is my third attempt. If I do a small patch that doesn't need stretching or lifting to reposition, it's all good. But I have to heat and stretch to get round the curves right?
  14. No way looks like a 15 year old car! Welcome to the OC Congratulations on a fine looking Zed. If you are stuck for aftermarket parts, it's always worthwhile checking traders on the OC like Tarmacsportz Torquen And then there's the Superhero member that is ZMANALEX. If you PM him and he doesn't have the part new or used he'd be able to point you in the right direction. Ps. If your Bose head unit is still working I salute you. My CD player conked out after 7 years ownership followed by the cassette players ability to use a cassette to 3.5mm adapter a few years after that
  15. I was on my second set of OEM Nissan springs. I added rubber washers when they started failing. Then added a second washer when it failed again. Finally changed them out for the OPENTOP ones. A nice powerful pop has returned https://youtube.com/shorts/HLeJE76rlMo?feature=share
  16. Hope the new owner shows it the love and care that it deserves.
  17. Log book says RED........are they colour blind? Lovely in orange
  18. Just ordered a set of these French springs as I'm already in 2 rubber washers in each OEM spring and I'm now needing THREE clicks to open the boot Thanks for the video and the link
  19. So I repolished one of the headlights and then wiped down with alcohol. Re wiped with water. Then started my wrap. All went well til I peeled off the protective top layer. No bubbles but some cloudy patches similar to when celotape sticks against itself adhesive side to adhesive side and when you pull it apart it isn't clear anymore. I thought maybe I used the wrong lube so tried again with JUST WATER........ May as well have tried using it dry....... total mess Going to order another FOUR pieces as I'm adamant to nail this
  20. With my ever losing battle with oxidising headlights no matter what coating I used after polishing, I committed myself to try a wrap to protect them. Being aware of my limited skills I bought 3 pieces with the plan to try wrapping a spare old rear light cluster I have lying around The size and curves being similar to the front headlights would be a good training exercise. Armed with a heat gun and some spray lube (750ml water and a teaspoon of shower gel) I made quite good progress. Just needed to use my fingernail to tuck the edges in tight.
  21. So then I attempted to wrap the headlight.
  22. After just 3 months both of the products have failed. The Meguiars kit looks marginally worse but I'd say both are not really worthwhile buying again. I repolished the driver's side and left the Meguiars kit for comparison.
  23. I rarely do any motorway mileage in my zed. Just around town and 40 and 50 limit dual carriageway for commuting. I average 18-19mpg
  24. There was an owner at the Midlands meet who had a lovely set of leatherette Braums and said he was very happy with the finish and comfort. His are recliners which he said we're so much nicer than fixed buckets. Not sure if he's on here much but I know he's on the Facebook Zed group.
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