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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. Welcome to the OC I love that last photo of you about to drive off into the sunset
  2. Was there a colour option from factory or was it a special aftermarket roof?
  3. Looks gorgeous with roof up or down. Good job fitting it yourself. I also love your red roof. Not sure I've ever seen one on a 350z before.
  4. New owner is getting a lovely example there^
  5. I don't try to remove all defects in the clearcaot anymore. Just in case I strike through, I fill them albeit temporarily with fillers like Soft99 Scratch Clear Wax or Autofinnesse Tripple. https://flic.kr/p/22tDKZ5
  6. What YOU see as far from perfect, 99.9% of the population will be admiring saying that the car looks brand new. When I got my first car I loved waxing it. I didn't know anything about detailing and just thought Wax/polish was all the same and made it bead in the rain. I don't know whether to thank or curse the friend that showed me what swirls were and then introduce me to detailingworld coz now what has been seen cannot be unseen
  7. Hi Owen. Was good chatting with you on Sunday. Thanks for the heads up on that phone holder
  8. Welcome to the OC That red paint looks dripping wet You got a nice OEM+ looking car there. Great find.
  9. I didn't take that many good pics today but at least this time I didn't accidentally photograph my foot Nice to meet familiar faces and zeds again along with some new owners who have had their zeds only a few months. Hopefully they felt the warm welcoming Midlands vibe that I did on first attending Thanks again Davey for organising this
  10. The gold rims on the black zed on air bags were sublime and this was the first time I seen them up close
  11. Was another great Midlands meet. The Midlands group has kindly adopted me from the NW as not much happening up my ends. I drove through 2 hrs of torrential rain thinking nobody would turn up. Thankfully the rain held off at the meet and there was a great turnout. So glad I went to the pre meet and experienced Davey's 20 minute convoy to the main meet. The sound of all the VQs trumpeting away was epic. I even got to follow behind Ken's R35 part of the way. I captured some of the arrivals after me. I saw what I thought was a custom sub box, but the owner said he was lucky enough that this off the shelf jobbie just slotted perfectly between the brace and the rear speakers. I forgot to ask him what model it was though
  12. Oh no...... brake light switch failure I had 2 spares in my boot today too I could have given you one. But they were cheap ones from a dodgey batch so questionable durability.
  13. Gonna be up to leave for 7am. Unless Google maps suddenly says it's 3 hours eta instead of 2 I'll see you guys at the services. Otherwise I'll post up that I'm heading straight to the main meet
  14. Glad to hear you love your zed so much to hang on to her. If your Zed's admirers keep increasing in number, it may result in a bidding war if and when you eventually sell up
  15. Must give you that new car feeling every time you approach your car now So nice to see a zed in the hands of an owner who really cherishes it. So many battered unloved ones around its criminal.
  16. Hopefully using the M6 toll roads from Manchester should avoid this
  17. Probably another 13 yes before a big bill so you can relax and just enjoy it again
  18. That's the best colour for a GT4 in my opinion Nissan should offer a special edition PS5 with the 400z the way they offered a PS2 with the GT4. I've yet to here of a used GT4 buyer who got the original PS2. Did you get it with the car by any chance?
  19. Welcome to the OC I'd get I to contact with Kurokiddo. His Zed is for sale and looks like it's perfect for you. https://www.350z-uk.com/topic/127902-2004-fast-roadtrack-spec-350z/
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