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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. If anything should break any rules it should be how abysmal the OEM sidelights were. I reckon the original ones gave off the same output as the backlight on wrist watch!
  2. Love this pic. Makes the OEM rims like an aftermarket offering
  3. Welcome to the OC Ensure you have a good read of the buying guide and common things to look out for. You certainly get alot of Zed for your money when looking at '04 to '05. Having used my '05 for nearly 17 years as a daily I can report my experience is they are reliable if serviced and oil level checked regularly. Servicing is relatively cheap at an independent but certain wear and tear items can be costly. I think the 2 unavoidable ones are tyres and a clutch/flywheel/slave cylinder combo if not recently done. I'm still on my original clutch but have a grand put away for the inevitable. Thankfully places like Tarmacsportz will be able to supply and fit you a new clutch kit with no bother. I'd put aside a good chunk for decent tyres too. To really enjoy the zed I wouldn't waste money on cheap tyres. It's a heavy car and you'll want to enjoy driving with confidence on our normally damp roads. At this age, most have already got aftermarket exhausts fitted due to rusted original ones. If not, again budget for a new or second hand one. The sparks should be replaced every 5 years, so hopefully an '05/'04 should have had that done in 2019/20 leaving you without the added expense of this. Good luck with the hunt and hopefully see pics of your own zed in the future
  4. Welcome to Zed life. Hard to believe the 350z came out nearly 20 years ago now!
  5. I never knew that. I'd be the one cursing that it didn't fit the front and not think to swap it with the rear.
  6. https://hypebeast.com/2021/12/nissan-nismo-titanium-exhaust-systems-older-skyline-gt-r-models Around £6k!!!!!!!
  7. You warrior! I'm sat INDOORS wearing a jumper putting off taking the rubbish out coz it's cold
  8. I had a look. The brand is HARDTUNED. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/183660872170 They do loads of really nice stuff. Gtr Supra Don't know why the Gtr one costs so much more......must be Gtr tax https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/184964508304
  9. Thanks Chris. Hope you are all well and had a great Christmas. Will always remember you as one of the first members to chat to me at a meet. Where did the years go. Must be nearly 15 years since you had your silver auto 350z import. I've followed your motoring exploits and snippets of what you've been up to via the OC. Been nice to read life is treating you well Yet I'm still here in the same Zed getting excited over a couple of hoodies I blame my cheap Xioami phone. Makes me think I'm a teenager again. You can only disable the beauty filter with the rear camera. When I use the selfie one.....I look TWELVE YEARS OLD
  10. Merry Christmas. Wishing you (and your b**hole) all the best over the holidays
  11. And I got this from my brothers. So I'm a happy bunny indeed!
  12. Many months ago, I mentioned to my parents about seeing Andy Muxlow in an amazing Zed hoodie showing 4 generations of Zeds that he got from Australia. This turned up 2 days ago
  13. Must've been a blast for the driver . Only wish they had a better sounding exhaust on it for the film. He didn't need to change gear often during that run. Probably due to the 350z having such a nice linear power delivery with pulling strong over a wide rev range.
  14. That's a good find This Zed malarkey can get addictive wouldn't you say. My Christmas list to my family had alot of Zed related merchandise on it . The fascination is lost on those not "in the know" as IT'S ONLY A NISSAN But I'm with you on this one George1966......a little treasure of a book
  15. Don't you find using a paint cleanser stage TOTALLY transforms the wax experience later? I loath using a wax unless I've either used clay or a paint cleanser (eg. SRP or Autofinesse Tripple). The surface would just feel grabby preventing smooth application and buffing of the wax. But after a paint cleanse, waxing just feels SOOOO good, with the wax spreading thinly and effortlessly over the paint and buffing off with the slightest of pressure. Very envious of you having the time to do this. Was just a normal wash and a drying aid LSP for me this week.
  16. Looks quality. But my eyes are so used to seeing Zeds that they keep getting drawn to the blank spaces where the headlights normally go. Kinda like looking at a Tesla and always finding the blank grill-less center section odd.
  17. Whatever you do, DON'T do what I did and start cooking in the kitchen innocently asking Alexa to play CHRISTMAS HIP-HOP SONGS as she slipped this one in as song number 3!!!!! Not children friendly at all
  18. I played this in the car today. My 10 yr old son said "it sounds like they got a homeless hobo crackhead to sing daddy!" He's right.......but I think it still works
  19. Welcome to zed ownership and to the OC. Great car. Great OC. Great Zed comradeship. Nuff said
  20. There's so many to choose from. The Venom one looks cool
  21. Those sounds never get old I bet you're driving everywhere like.. A Tesla may be faster and trump the zed for toys but look at the visual and aural treats they're missing out on!
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