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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. Welcome to the OC There's a big Zed meet in a few weeks at the British Motor Museum. So far there's 79 Zeds confirmed and 71 maybes. If the weather is good there could be well over 100 Zeds there https://facebook.com/events/s/z-summer-club-event/796546037978484/
  2. A few years back I told my garage about a creak from the front. They couldn't find anything either. 6 months later at MOT the part had perished enough to reveal itself Needed some of these
  3. Where abouts are you based? Maybe someone knows a zed knowledgeable place near you.
  4. That Mini driver is probably bragging to everyone how he was a racing god on the day. I bet he's no better on public roads either. Hope he didn't put too much of a downer on what looked like a great day.
  5. When you take the rubbish out at night and trigger the security lights......,... "Fire in the hole!!!!!"
  6. Only 1 & 1/4 hours away. Probably the closest meet so far for me
  7. Sold the Zed ...........for an RX7 ALL IS FORGIVEN
  8. Falling back in love with this after mainly using Turtle Wax Hybrid Spray Sealant for a long while. Takes alot longer to apply and buff than the spray sealant but the hydrophobicity and slickness is addictive. Here's some footage of rinsing and drying with a blower after applying it a week before washing
  9. That new wheel colour is the dog's danglys!!!!!!! Even bigger props for doing yourself. Can't wait to see this on August 7th. Bronze/gold centers with polished lips is my absolute favourite wheel combo. Just a shame that it suits every colour Zed EXCEPT MINE Ps. Love your dust proof spray booth. Pure genius iat work
  10. Would the abundance of trees and limited parking put you off living here? Waiting to pick my kids up. Only been an hour and my car is covered in crud. The others on the street look wrecked.
  11. Have a great day peeps. Looking forward to seeing plenty of photos
  12. This car pulls STRONG. On a club Dyno day it still showed more power than original. Also sounds epic
  13. 1. davey_83 2. Andy_Muxlow 3. Monkey1983 4. StormtrooperZ 5. George1966 6. SHEZZA 7. Buptaboy (Rob) 8. dave0132 9. buster 10. Azurez33 in something Japanese if it’s allowed? 11. JustTheJedi 12. HEADPHONES
  14. First time in 17 years I messed up. Wife said to meet her at son's new secondary school after work. I "now" remember her saying her friend was giving her a lift down and her saying to take the Kia Sportage as it is safer to park near a crowded school event. Like a numpty I turned up in the zed and was meant to take wife AND son home Wife was not pleased having to get an Uber (despite it only taking 5 min to arrive)
  15. Back in 2008 I bought 6 bottles of their Car Wax Gel. Went on a wet car like a drying aid and left a nice slick finish almost acting like a barrier cream so the next wash was dead easy. Used it weekly until not a drop left Truth be told I'd buy it again if they re released it No idea why the image is so large..... sorry 🤣
  16. I've never noticed the needle moving up and down randomly. Maybe check your Distance To Empty function to monitor your fuel left until you get it sorted.
  17. If Carlesberg did airport parking ^ Rock up, park Infront of the plain. Show tickets and passport at the cabin door and take your seat
  18. Problem solved. Drive -R e-mailed me a new ticket
  19. I'd love to join. Won't know til closer the time after the MidlandZ Summer meet. Will check in after that
  20. What a difference. Will almost make you look forward to tasks involving removing the wheels to see the fruits of your labour!
  21. Welcome to the OC. Gotta love the Zed community. Very helpful bunch
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