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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. Glad you're happy........the grin may become permanent though
  2. Took this pic to show swirls on the rear but quite liked the sparkly "stardust" appearance under the sun. Still angry that nomatter how gently I clean the rear with mitts and 2BM it still swirs up whereas the rest of the car is OK
  3. I bet your retinas have sunset orange permanently burned onto them with those reflections I even reckon it looked better in the flesh too
  4. Was an oriental guy driving the one I spotted. I need to practise using spotted cards "ninja throwing star style"
  5. If you had legal cover could they recover this additional loss to your pocket off the other bloke? After all, his fault your premiums went up
  6. Timeless beauties that will never date
  7. Get a disclock on in the meantime for peace of mind
  8. Didn't wave as I was in the wife's car. She called me sad for spotting his drilled discs
  9. Am I missing something with this? Seems a reasonable answer tbh Woul've been easier to tell me only had fanta left at the start, as it was taking me a minute or so each time to choose something else
  10. Some staff replies can be so stupid you'd think they were stoned or something ME: "can I have a whopper please, just the burger on it's own" BK man: " would you like fries with that?" Me at McDonald's on holiday "Big mac meal with a coke please" Mcd's: "sorry, out of coke" ME: "diet coke?" Mcd's: "No, sorry" ME: "sprite?" Mcd's: "No, sorry" ME: "what have you got then?" Mcd's: "only fanta"
  11. I specced up a coupe in azure blue at first. Arranged an appointment to finalise a price and pay deposit but left the dealership after being kept waiting an hour Went to a second dealership to do the deal and saw a sunset in the showroom......FELL IN LOVE and odered sunset. I reckon it looks even better uner artificial light than the sun, with the orange flecks popping out. Can look dull when overcast though.
  12. Proper mean look you have going on there. Pity the drivers who casualy look in their rearview mirror and see a "STORMTROOPER" staring back at them Must scare the bejesus out of them
  13. I use my spare standard 18s to barricade the back door when I go on holiday. I figure not only do they weigh a tonne but they bridgestones give unflappable "GRIP" on the kitchen vinyl Problem is last year theiving scum ended up kicking in the front door instead But I took my zed keys on hols with me so car was ok.
  14. Hi :bye: I'm round the corner in Cheadle. My daily commute is down the A34 into Manchester so if you see a sunset around give us a wave.....I promise to wave back
  15. How long do zed batteries last on average? Which particular brands do you rate or hate? Had a battery last 4years 50 weeks. Was Costco's own brand and reckon it only died coz I bought the zed and just left the old car on the drive for months. Kept the receipt though and went back to Costco coz battery had 5yr warranty. Bad news was they long stopped doing their own batteries. Good news they gave me a new Bosch one instead ......for free
  16. Was riding on tasty Anteras with a nice LED conversion in place of front reflectors. I was in a sunset coupe at the junction. By the time I noticed you there was no time to wave.
  17. I waved and got a wave back Could it be any of you guys?
  18. It all started when dad bought me a pocket radio with those single eared white wirey earphones when I was 8 . Always had to have music on the go. Always had walkman through school and at uni the tutors christened me HEADPHONES, et viola! Couple of years ago met someone from uni in the queue at John Lewis. Hadn't seen him for 15years. He was in stitches when he saw what I was purchasing.........A NEW SET OF HEADPHONES
  19. Love the reflections bouncing off those wheel arches
  20. 3 years ago while sparring, someone pulled off an illegal move on me....EYE GOUGE Split the white of my eye 1mm from my cornea........but strangely only stung a little and I didn't realise the severity til the ref's face went pale and stopped the fight saying "I THINK YOUR EYE's F'd!" Off to A&E and was told very lucky I could still see but needed microsurgery later to stitch it up. "ASLEEP" I said........."DON'T BE SILLY, YOU'RE A GROWN MAN, I'M SURE YOU CAN STAY STILL ENOUGH TO LET THEM DO IT AWAKE" said doc Luckily all is well now but at the eye clinic I saw a big burly man go into the consulting room with bandages on his eyes and come out sobbing with his head in his hands Now I even wear goggles using the strimmer in the garden. Call me a woos but better safe than sorry
  21. PS In the past when I've HAD TO use the jetwash, I spent my first pressure wash and rinse token using the lance to clean the brush then did the zed with the 2nd token. I suppose you could (very gently)try this also and check if you are inflicting damage afterwards. If OK this could be your most hastle free option.
  22. I feel your pain zdan. If I were in your shoes I would be tempted to find a friendly petrol station with a jet wash. Explain your predicament to the hopefully friendly person on the till and see if they would let you bring a bucket and mitt when it's quiet and shampoo your zed in a corner inbetween using the jetwash for prewash and rinse. Some systems let you buy time so you could just choose water pressure rinse, then shampoo with your gear and then rinse again. If not just choose the pressure wash and rinse before and after your shampoo. I'd even be tempted to offer a couple of quid tip for the privaledge. If you ask nicely and don't take it personal if the attendant refuses I can't see any harm and you're bound to find someone that'll agree somewhere....I hope. GOOD LUCK :bye:
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