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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. Old Chinese tadition is to rub a boiled egg on it. As in GENTLY MASSAGING not rubbing it in like a cream
  2. Another good Donnie Yen flick is FLASHPOINT Cops vs triads type. More MMA inspired than Wing Chun.
  3. Great looking wheels, set off nicely with the lowering
  4. I use Lockwood and Greenwood in Manchester. No longer Nissan frachise but same guys working at family run garage with much better rates than franchised dealers.
  5. Looks great If only the nissan placed the 350z embroidery on the carpet under there it would well trick.
  6. Very nice Wayne........I was even admiring your nice driveway in the pics(nice and clean too)
  7. I've always liked the G coupes but could never understand why all the incarnations have such blobby grills
  8. I've also seen a 4litres of ready mixed PRESTONE coolant at Costco for about £6. It says compatible with ALL coolants
  9. Great result Perfect pre Christmas present
  10. Ahhh the joys of flatpack furniture. I remember assembling the cotbed in the hallway coz there was more space. Took me over an hour. Only to find the assembled cot wouldn't fit through the bedroom door Took it apart and started again IN THE BEDROOM I'm not the best with DIY. Worst was I was helping a friend to dress and hang a door. We chisseled and fitted the hinges, then spent ages chisseling out the space to fit the mortice lock. Went to hang the door. We'd only gone and put the lock on the same side as the bleedin hinges
  11. Seriousely tempted by the K2 group buy. Especially as their fitting station is in Manch near me. My OEM's flange doesn't seem to be corroded much so seems a shame to get rid. Suppose the old one could go in the garage along with my old wheels, and rear lights, and spare CV joints, and.....
  12. If you haven't already......have a look on kiddicare.com for baby stuff. Good prices and you don't have to worry about other people's rugrats getting under your feet. Good "hunting" in Leeds
  13. Glad you're on the mend and your zed is tucked away safe.
  14. Great minds think alike. Watched the weather reports and today was apparently the last day before real winter sets in. Only managed a coat of collinite and wheel gaurd. No time to clay Also put a coat of KURRUST around the flange between the backbox and midpipe to help prevent corrosion at this week point before they salt the roads. It's amazing how your eyes acclimatise to the dark when you'r detailing. You reckon it's ONLY a little dark with enough light to carry on, go indoors to get something with your eyes getting used to the indoor lights......go back out and it looks almost pitch black Well done on getting the Azure sorted before the light dissappeared
  15. At my local Chinese supermarket they have these tasty biscuits. Highly recommended. Look out for "CHING KEE COOKIE ROLLS" Also know a bloke first name **** middle name YU.......100% genuine
  16. Paint's looking scrumptious Kinda like wet black ink
  17. Many many thanks for all your replies. Not having "really" listened to this genre before, you can imagine almost all your recommendations sound new and exiting to me DESPITE ME BEING 6-8yrs TOO LATE More than enough here to keep me busy and help to create a long Christmas list Can't believe how narrow minded I've been all these years. I suppose it has alot to do with being influenced by my peers in my youth where the closest thing to rock that was accetable was RunDMC's "walk this way"
  18. My music collection was mainly Hiphop/RnB but a friend introduced me to some Linkin Park and Limpbizkit stuff. Broadened my musical tastes. Never thought I'd enjoy anything "rock" like but ended up buying a few of their CD's. Can anyone recommend anything similar for me to check out?
  19. To be honest, I think 300C is a great choice, especially if you still have 1 performance car in the family. May not be a great performance car, but performance and handling will be the last thing on your mind when transporting your precious baby around. When our baby was born I drove so mildly I reckon I would have got flat cornering with zero body roll even if driving a Citroen 2CV Even now she is 1yr old I do my utmost to stay in the slow lane, sometimes driving extra slow so journey takes longer and she sleeps longer in the back. Actually, come to think of it HOW ABOUT A 2CV I bet that's thrown a spanner in the works now
  20. Would have been even funnier if he went straight up in the air vertically instead of forward. Epic none the less
  21. Totally agree the standard horn is pants. Only good thing about it is you get to bash the centre of the steering wheel in anger to use it. Hate cars with a tiny button to activate horn.........by the time you've found it the culprit has long gone
  22. I ordered my 05 zed new with the Nismo Aero kit from the dealer. It should be on the original invoice when you ask to look at the paperwork. Assuming the prices for 54 and 05 were similar, brand new with the Rays and Nismo kit the original invoice should show purchase price of around £31k unless purchaser negotiated a big discount. Another sign to look for is the factory fitted kit should be absolutely mint. As for insurance, you will pay more with a factory fitted kit, but less than an aftermarket kit. Looks like a lovely car.....hope you get it for the right price.
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