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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. Slight imperfection but still transforms your car. After a while I reckon these will become invisable....kinda like airplane "white noise". Bloody annoying if you hear it at first but then you don't even notice it. Got a slight warp on the lower edge of my rear bumper after O2 sensors "went". Was livid. Now I don't even notice a problem. So chin up and just revel in the compliments that passers by will inevitably give you
  2. Took the Z for a new rear at a mate's tyre depot and asked him about this again and he said it's a rim similar to a metal ring that goes roand a barrel that goes round the rim so that the tyre sits on this instead of the alloy. At tyre change time the fitter prizes the tyre off the rim protector with it protecting the wheel. He said the gear to fit these would mean him whacking £100 on extra due to the limited demand. Normally he said if he changes the tyre with the wheel "upside down" so the face sits on the "machine" with the plastic protectors on, even if it's a bugger of a job, worst case he may mark the back of the wheel whilst keeping the face pristine. He didn't say where to go for these though as he only heard about these at a trade fair.
  3. I agree on the black over the blue. See a black coupe in wilmslow quite often but felt too shy to ogle for too long up close at the interior (while it was parked I hasten to add ) so cheers for the pics.
  4. I'm up for this, but can only make 17th 1. Marzman 2. M13KYF 3. Chesterfield 4. Paul T ...fingers crossed 5. HEADPHONES 17th only
  5. My tyre fitter was telling me about these. He doesn't have the gear though.......think he said the machine was too dear and the demand was too low. Seeing him tommorow so will ask him again.
  6. Judging from his firm grip on the box I reckon it will be much sooner than 4 yrs before he gets "into" SCALEXTRIC
  7. In the flesh the 370z gets a big from me. Despite being sceptical at first I can see why you are tempted. If my budget allowed without doing without other "needs" I'd go for what you desire. Personally I'm too emotionally attached to my ZED.......which is not a good thing as it clouds logical decisions on ANYTHING car related
  8. Dusted off a 20yr old 12" from my college days Back then RnB/hiphop rarely got a sniff in the charts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv-sDFx_ ... re=related Any oldies but goodies that you've unearthed recently? ps. if you're lucky enough to be a 19yr old zed owner a 2yr old tune doesn't count
  9. Can't disable passenger airbag so babyseat is a no no Gonna have to wait years before I can take daughter out in it. Very inconvenient
  10. Was that from Camskill? I just took delivery of a 452 in 275/35/19 from them just last Wednesday!
  11. Just found out about a colleague who bought a 911 NEW in 1990 and to this date has only 10k on the clock How many of you fellow ZEDDERS molly cuddle your zeds to this extent with occasional use only ?
  12. Spotted around 3ish. Didn't wave as I was in the wife's car. Just admired it's pert rear (probably my favourite aftermarket versions)
  13. Absolutely love the lips on those bad boys. They have a kind of hypnotising effect that would add an extra hour onto their cleaning time while you just admire the finish
  14. I feel your pain Stan My machine conked out 2nd Jan. 12yr old cheapo Indesit. Did 3 weeks of going to the launderette waiting for John Lewis to deliver a new Siemens one. When it arrived it was faulty and flooded my utility room . JL quickly sorted it though so balance has once again been restored in the house and baby headphones can puke up all she wants safe in the knowledge clean clothes and sheets are only a spin away I salute you if you're planning on handwashing everything til the new machine comes. I gave up after one load ........the wringing is a killer
  15. Yippee.... another sunset joins the fold. Had a couple walk pass while i was washing rims......didn't see me and were commenting "lovely car but wrong colour" Maybe should be called "MARMITE ORANGE"
  16. Sham the sun went. Would have been nice to catch the paint in all it's glory a la your avatar pic
  17. Congratulations. Post more pics in different light conditions please. Very rarely see this colour so would make for nice veiwing
  18. +1 for Lockwood and Greenwood You even still get a "NISSAN" stamp in your book! (used to be Nissan but gone independant BUT CHEAPER)
  19. Looks like you had a good time and the weather held out
  20. Nice meeting Nick for the first time with his pearlescent white zed. Wayne's Azure mesmerised the crowds......even I found myself drawn to how clean your springs were Nice venue. Nice weather. and a nice crowd Thanks to Markoos from the Glanza OC for organising this Seeing the Glanza crowd makes you appreciate how much fun can be crammed into such a small package. Some very impressive little cars

    My Zed

    Has been a glorious couple of days for zed cleaning compared to all the snow of past. Glad you managed to take advantage and treat your locality to the beauty that is a clean 350z
  22. The weekend is here......AND SO IS YOUR ZED HAPPY DAYS
  23. It's a good thing you were able to stay calm during the incident. I probably would have freaked and panicked while the machine continued wrecking the car I didn't eveb know these machines had an emergency stop Good luck with your claim and repair.
  24. Always keep checking into the OC. If a member decides to move on, a members ex zed is often one of the best
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