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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. You've got some good pics of a great car. Looks like you must have some expensive camera gear
  2. What a great bank holiday you must be having
  3. Quick questions to help me "BIN THE BOSE" 1. Double DINs look fantastic but I'd even have a single over my failing Bose. The only thing putting me off a fancy double DIN unit is lack of removable front facia. Has nobody ever had pondlife damage their zed trying to nick one? 2. Many say the fitting of a new stereo is pretty straight forward, but I have little time to wash the zed let alone try something new likefitting a stereo . So is it simple enough a job to entrust to Halfords? 3. If you gurus reckon I should steer clear of Halfords and go to a specialist, do you think I should give them a printout of some of the fitting guides on here if they haven't done a zed before Any advice is much appreciated and I hope I've not bored everyone with the same old questions
  4. Headunit does look nice Gotta get rid of my Bose ASAP
  5. I thought your user name looked familiar
  6. What we need is to train up hundreds of VIGILANTE NINJA KIDS. Have a small add in the papers ala A-TEAM/THE EQUALISER. "Got a problem that nobody else can help with?" One phone call and some balaclavard MINORS "sort out" your young yobbos . Even if caught they are trained to withstand interrogation and say it's just "playground politics"
  7. Totally agree. If the kid doesn't end up mentally deviant like mum and dad, it will be so tormented by the conflict of knowing how messed up everything is but not being able to change a thing, coz it's only natural for a kid to love the parents unconditionally.
  8. Matt L, Love pic 4 of shire's zed. The reflections look unreal
  9. Nice to meet other zedders in the flesh. Saw lots of firsts in the flesh today. 1st turbo'd zed. 1st one with nitrous 1st veilside kitted to name but a few. There was even A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD DRIFTER COMPETING ........HE WAS DAMN GOOD TOO
  10. Nice to have another Mancunian onboard. Like Clarkie said, hope you can find time to pop down to the Trafford centre on Sat and say hello
  11. Remember the old saying WIFE HAPPY, LIFE HAPPY and you can't go wrong
  12. Black rim, red lip......match made in heaven
  13. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... p?t=162503 Wayne, feel for you big time. Check the above thread showing pics of stages of work from RIMFURBISH trying to get the perfect "SHADOW CHROME" on M5 wheels. They might be the guys for you

    my new zed

    Loving that spoiler on a black zed. Did you have someone guide you while you parked on that kerb for the first time wearing the new lip
  15. In that case remind me not to park next to you at JDM Allstars unless I keep my standard bay closed Only joking, can't wait to see it in the flesh
  16. Third pic is worthy to be on sale as a poster
  17. The zed looks spot on I couldn't think of anything else that I would add to that sweeeet looking motor
  18. love the pic of the door......looks flawless and ding free.
  19. Making good use of the fine weather.......great job Must be all the more satisfying that you did the brakes yourself.
  20. There is a very ineresting thread on the my350z.com forum put together by RESOLUTE. Guys over the pond have been collating oil analysis of their used oils to determine how well they perform, and which is better under what conditions for standard or modded engines No hearsay or brand snobbery....just the facts. READ AT YOUR PERIL, AS IT WILL TAKE YOU WEEKS TO GO THROUGH IT ALL http://my350z.com/forum/engine-and-driv ... -info.html
  21. Just another possibility. I had a rattle from the rear that ended up being plastic trim/bits around the spare wheel under the boot floor. Good luck hunting........very frustrating I know
  22. Last pic is my favourite of the bunch
  23. Borrowed from another forum but I now appreciate the work that goes into a QUALITY job http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... p?t=162503
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