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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. Now many of us get p$ssed when we park our zeds in an empty car park and return to find some numpty parked right next to us. Today i witnessed numptyness on the next level. Was at a big shopping complex and went to "take a leak". Large toilet with over a dozen unused urinals next to me.........but someone decided to "park" himself RIGHT NEXT TO ME Now come on, I thought there was an unspoken rule about this kind of behavior
  2. More time travelling is surely a good thing once you are reunited with ZEDNESS. I was worried you would simply upgrage a few rungs on the German execmobile ladder when the promotion came. Truely happy for you Chris
  3. Oooooooo you lucky thing. Only one thing better than getting a zed........getting a BRAND NEW ZED
  4. Glad you got your money back. I hope the dealer doesn't try passing it off as 100% to another buyer. The next buyer may not be as sharp/quick to reject it and it may all end in tears
  5. My god, you don't hang about At this rate I don't think your zed will either. Won't be surprised if we're reading about a big turbo build in the near future
  6. My local Sainsbury's petrol station have this life sized cardboard copper in the cashier's window. If this is to deter people knicking petrol they must think petrol thieves are all short sighted with the memory of a goldfish Are these new high tech "scarecrow coppers" patrolling anyone elses neighbourhood
  7. +1 Don't stress too much over this. Sort the top up out and just service somewhere else in future. Seeing as you're in Manchester use Lockwood and Greenwood in Audenshaw. Many NW members use them. Been great with me. Club discount too Put this behind you and get back to enjoying your ZED
  8. £48 for 6 Denso plugs off ZMANALEX is a bargain compared to nearly £80 for OEM NGK platinum ones off a dealer.
  9. Black paint is looks lovely and wet
  10. Looking forward to see what EXTRAS come with the zed your mate manages to get you. Green with envy of your connections Enjoy the forum
  11. These pens are a great idea. I now can buy Nankang rubber and paint Pirrelli over the top. People will no longer take the mickey out of my tyre choice
  12. Had some news that my great great uncle left some investments that have grown into millions. On ones claimed but luckily the bank found me. Cheers Uncle Richard! Thing is i'm Chinese and "Richard" wasn't the most POPULAR of names in China all those years ago, so might be a mix up. Who knows, they may not notice. Might just send my details and get lucky.
  13. Normally a 5l can should be fine for a service, with left overs to boot. Reckon your man spilt some.........butterfingers style Leave zed on a level surface overnight, check in morning and if on min level or lower deffo add at least 500ml extra and check again. Never needed more than 5l for a service in my past 5yrs of ownership
  14. On my standard zed the area around the transmission tunnel gets hot too. Can even feel the heat coming from the passenger footwell in that area. I just thought it was heat from exsaust gases.
  15. DAMNNNNN that's alot of show and go .........for very little dough What happened to the gangsta black Merc plan I reckon you've bagged a belter there. Enjoy drifting again
  16. It's nice to hear from fellow zedders overseas. Are 350z's a rare sight on your shores?
  17. Welcome aboard. Will look out for your car BUT YOU NEED TO POST UP PICS FIRST
  18. I had the same. Eventually it changed to side 2 as soon as it was switched on. Found it worse when the engine was cold . So CD was skipping when cold, and tape deck was a switching Got fed up and binned the Bose Don't know how i put up with it for the past 5 yrs now. I should've listened to everyone here and swapped sooner Hope yours has better self healing abilities than mine did
  19. Passing the opposite way in the morning crawl through Cheadle. Waved but no response. Made me feel a bit of a PLEB
  20. That tyre looks scary Did you manage to keep it straight when it blew?
  21. Great vid and driving Thanks for sharing
  22. Pure class Please sir.....can we have some more
  23. Welcome to the OC. Never seen that blue.......interested inseeing the forthcoming pics
  24. Nelson Mandella moves to China. One morning his doorbell rings. He answers the door to a little Chinese guy with a pile of tyres pointing to a clipboard saying- "Harro, dewiverly, prease sign" Mr Mandella replies "Sorry, I think you've got the wrong address" Next day, same thing happens. DING DONG....Opens the door and same guy with a pile of brake discs "Harro, dewiverly, prease sign" Mandella again politely says "Sorry, I think you've got the wrong address" Next morning. DING DONG "Harro, dewiverly, pree" Mandella irately interrupts "I TOLD YOU.....YOU GOT THE WRONG ADDRESS!" The little Chinese guy looks confused and replies "But everlybordy terra me you isa NISSAN MAINDEALER"
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