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Everything posted by HEADPHONES

  1. "you can't see anything and it's 3 degrees" You LEGENDS Wasn't expecting to see a Citroen 2CV!
  2. I'll just be setting off at "stupid O'clock" on the day from Manchester. I got so excited last year I couldn't sleep the night before anyway
  3. Are you guys with OPENTOP springs noticing that they are looser fitting in the hat h than the OEM ones? Just put my old OEM one back on (already had 2 rubber washers added but I added a further 3 pennies now ) and it's alot tighter and snug fitting than the OPENTOP one on the other side.
  4. It was an OPENTOP one that fell out!!!!!
  5. This is the second time I've randomly lost one. They've never been a tight secure fit. Must have just fell out when I opened the boot without me realising it. Would be OK if it happened at home but I was out and about. Stupid design
  6. Scotty loves the 350z & 370z more than the 400z
  7. If only I still lived in London and not Manchester .
  8. Another sunset orange owner Whereabouts in the country are you based? Keep an eye on the meets section. I know Andy James is organising a JDM Combe club stand. From the YouTube videos of last year's one it looks to be a fantastic day. At over 3 hours drive t's a bit too far away from me but might be good for you. I think Japfest tickets are sold out. But there's a few MidlandZ meets lined up.......... first one being THIS Sunday.
  9. Night wash finished. Tucked her away just before the snow started again.
  10. The zed is lucky to have found you as a new owner.
  11. The shadow chrome wheels look really good........need to upload some close up photos too
  12. Hats off to the bloke above for trying. @The Bounty Bar Kid I'm flanked by 3 neighbours who are all related and one was a real ***** who used my address and the previous owners details to create an account with Very and got heaps of stuff fraudulently. So I feel your pain in having less than Ideal neighbours. Although with unreasonable neighbors your pride may tell you to tell them to "do one" don't be rash. Unless you plan to move, you want to settle things as amicably as possible without them thinking you're a doormat.
  13. The hush hush consultation only gives the public until 10th March to object. LESS THAN A WEEK!!!!! As with everything, it'll be London first then spread to other cities 🙈
  14. Are you still using a Worx Hydroshot?
  15. Found this treasured issue after years of hiding in a cupboard Supercharged Vs Turbocharger Vs Big NA build
  16. At this rate you'd be able to do your whole car👍
  17. I'm easily pleased. A subtle NSX EXACTLY like this would do me just fine. Probably get burned at the lights by a modded GolfR but I think it's probably plenty fast enough to enjoy driving day to day
  18. I don't remember premium fuel being so scarce pre all this Ukraine war/COVID/E10 malarkey. Now I'm on the look out for Momentum or V-Power as soon as I get to half empty.
  19. Ideally get yourself to Japfest in April. There should be 50-100 Zeds on the club stand alone. Owners would gladly let you listen to their various setups. Can't beat hearing something in person Vs on YouTube Then spend your money on something you really like.
  20. Welcome to the OC Mighty fine Zed you've acquired. He must be chuffed to bits with it. Japfest will be an absolutely awesome event for you both to enjoy. Last year was my first time. Really regret not going sooner.
  21. Wow.......that's quite a selection
  22. Good job there. Amazing how much damage the sun can do to plastics over the years.
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